ZOA Launches Major Campaign Supporting Sovereignty
News Press Release
June 23, 2020

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has launched a major #SovereigntyNOW campaign, to promote strong support for Israel immediately applying her rightful, lawful sovereignty to parts of Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley, where 500,000 Jews live. 

On June 22, 2020, ZOA unveiled two spectacular massive billboards with the words “Sovereignty Now” in English and Hebrew, proclaiming that “America Stands with Israel at this Historic Moment,” together with prominent pictures of Israeli leaders PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Theodore Herzl, Menachem Begin and David Ben Gurion. The billboards also included a large ZOA logo. These huge billboards were placed on a major building in Jerusalem, at the busy intersection of Herzl and Rabin Streets, overlooking the Begin Highway.

Last night, ZOA hosted an evening webinar, featuring ZOA National President Morton Klein and moderated by ZOA Chair Mark Levenson, Esq., promoting and detailing many important reasons for Israel restoring sovereignty. This webinar provided supporters the opportunity to hear Morton Klein explain the 13 reasons why ZOA strongly supports #SovereigntyNOW. Mr. Klein also urged more American Jews and Jewish organizations to speak up in support of sovereignty.  

Mort Klein and Mark Levenson also urged even more American Jews and groups to speak up in support of Israel’s rights, security and sovereignty, in an Op-Ed published in The Jerusalem Post. (“American Jews Support Israeli Sovereignty and for Good Reasons,”  by Morton A. Klein and Mark Levenson, JPost, June 20, 2020.)

ZOA’s campaign also includes placing ads in various media outlets, as well as writing op-eds and releases on this critical issue. Both the US Administration and the Prime Minister of Israel support sovereignty. Israel has the legal, political, historic and religious right to Judea and Samaria. And behind the scenes, the moderate Arab countries have given tacit approval. Applying sovereignty is also vital for Israel’s security needs. Without the Jordan Valley and Judea and Samaria under Israeli sovereign control, Israel’s “waist” would be only nine miles narrow and indefensible. That’s one of the reasons why over 1000 top IDF officers support sovereignty. 

The ZOA #SovereigntyNOW campaign involves much more, including coordinated efforts on social media, outreach in the U.S. Congress led by ZOA’s Government Relations department, and engagement with Knesset members led by the director of ZOA Israel. 

We hope you’ll partner with us in encouraging others to spread the message and urge #SovereigntyNOW

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