Category Action Alerts
ACTION ALERT: Protest Bolivia Invitation to Anti-Israel Group B’Tselem – Set to Smear Israel at UN Security Council Today

Dear Friends: Please call, write, fax, email, tweet the Bolivian Ambassador to the UN Sacha Llorenty, who is the current rotating president of the U.N. Security Council for October, to protest his abuse of that position to invite the virulent anti-Israel propaganda group B’Tselem to address the UN Security Council today.   The foreign-funded B’Tselem specializes […]

TODAY: Rally Against Columbia U. Anti-Semitism. Thursday, Oct. 4th, 4-6pm

Call To Action against Columbia University! Thursday Oct. 4th, 4:00 — 6:00pm.  We will meet near Columbia’s main gates on 115th and Broadway.  Dear Friends and Israel Supporters, Please join our protest against Columbia University’s mistreatment and lack of protection for Students Supporting Israel who have been harassed and intimated. Time and again, Columbia has done […]

ZOA Victory Over Anti-Semitism on Campuses!

As reported on the front page of the New York Times this week, the Zionist Organization of America’s (ZOA)’s years-long battle to fight anti-Semitism on campuses moved one step closer to victory. We need your help to finish the job – give now! When Jewish Rutgers University students were harassed and discriminated against for being […]

ZOA: Urgent Correction By StandWithUs Needed: SWU Wrongly Claims Israel Supports a Palestinian State in Sample Letter Against Colombia Recognizing Pal. State

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Chair Mark Levenson released the following correction to a sample letter suggested by StandWithUs: ZOA is pleased that StandWithUs has joined with ZOA in urging all our pro-Israel friends to contact the Colombian Embassy and Consulate to reverse the last-minute decision of the former […]

URGENT ZOA Action Alert: Tell Colombia’s New President Ivan Duque – Rescind Outgoing Pres. Juan Manuel Santos’ Improper, Lame Duck Recognition of a Palestinian Terror State

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and Chairman Mark Levenson released the following URGENT Action Alert- Please take action – write & call & spread the word: During the final days of outgoing Colombia President Juan Manuel Santos’ administration, Colombia’s outgoing Foreign Minister Maria Angela Holguin signed a letter recognizing a Palestinian terror […]

Sign Beacon Parents’ Petition Calling for Responsible and Responsive School Leadership After School Holds Silent Tribute for Hamas Terrorists

SIGN PETITION HERE   Concerned parents and community members are deeply troubled by the moment of silence held on May 15th at The Beacon School – a New York City public high school – for those killed along the Gaza border with Israel.  Most of the “victims” were Hamas terrorists who were bent on infiltrating […]

ZOA Action Alert: Fox News Must Fire Geraldo Rivera for His Supporting Massacre of Jews by Second Intifada

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: The Zionist Organization of America is calling upon Fox News to immediately fire commentator Geraldo Rivera for his horrendous statements on “The Five” show on Friday March 30, supporting the Second Intifada massacre of thousands of Jews and the maiming of thousands […]

ACTION ALERT: Urge U.S. to Insist Germany Keep its Word to Israel for Unopposed United Nations Security Council Seat

  Released by Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) president Morton A. Klein    Call & Urge Your Senators To:   Urge The U.S. To Insist That Germany Keep Its Word To Israel & Permit Israel To Run Unopposed For A Seat On The United Nations Security Council As A Member of The Western European & […]

ACTION ALERT: Survey on Trends of Anti-Semitism of the World Zionist Organization

International Holocaust Memorial Day, will take place on January 27, 2018 also known in Israel as the International Day for Countering Anti-Semitism.  The World Zionist Organization (WZO) has created a special survey on anti-Semitism to assess anti-Semitism in the areas which you live. ZOA asks that you assist the WZO by filling out this important […]

ZOA Action Alert: Please Call and Email Guatemalan Embassy & Consulates & Tweet Pres. Morales ASAP to Thank & Bless Guatemala for Recognizing Israel’s Capital Jerusalem & Planned Embassy Move

Dear Friends: Please Call and Write to the Guatemalan Embassy in Washington DC, and local Guatemalan US consulates (especially around your area) and tweet Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales as soon as possible to thank Guatemala for recognizing Israel’s capital Jerusalem and announcing Guatemala’s plans to move its embassy to Jerusalem, and to wish Pres. Morales […]