Category News
ZOA Presents Speech It Wishes Obama Would Make On Israel-Palestinian Situation

The following is an article by Morton A. Klein – a similar version of which was published by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and in Jewish newspapers across the country. This is a hypothetical speech that ZOA wishes President Obama would make. “More than two years in office has persuaded me that, in our pursuit of […]

ZOA Condemns Anti-Israel J Street For Urging Obama To Support U.N. Res. Condemning Jews Living In Judea/Samaria/E. J’lem As Illegal

Cong. Ackerman (D-NY) ends relations with J Street       The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned J Street, the George Soros/Arab-funded anti-Israel group that masquerades as a left-wing, pro-Israel lobby, for supporting the resolution introduced in the United Nations Security Council that condemns as illegal the “ongoing settlement activity” – i.e. Jews […]

ZOA Praises U.S. Cong. Ros-Lehtinen & Allen West For Criticizing Obama’s Approving PLO Flag Flying In D.C.

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised Members of Congress Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Chairwoman, House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Allen West (R-FL) for their criticizing of President Barack Obama’s approval of the flying of the PLO flag over the PLO Mission in Washington, D.C. The PLO Mission raised the PLO flag for the first […]

Fatah/P.A.’s Shaath & Others: “Armed Struggle” Not Possible Now, But is the “Right of Palestinians”

Why are U.S., Israel & Jewish orgs. silent?         Fatah Central Committee member and former PA foreign minister Nabil Shaath, is one of a number of senior PA figures who in recent days have frankly endorsed the “right” of Palestinians to use terrorism against Israel. In the PA-controlled mouthpiece, Al Hayat al-Jadida, […]

ZOA Supports Min. Landau’s Call For Israeli Retaliatory Action Against Illegal P.A. Boycotts

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is supporting the call of Israel’s Minister of National Infrastructure, Uzi Landau, for a review of past Israeli agreements signed with Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) as a result of recent PA efforts promoting foreign economic boycotts of Israel. Mr. Landau recently said in an interview that, “Not […]

ZOA/Dershowitz/Boteach: Palin Was Right to Call Attacks Linking Her to Murders a ‘Blood Libel’

Did Krugman, ADL’s Foxman, Reform’s Sapperstein put politics ahead of principle & truth in attacking Palin?     ZOA/Dershowitz/Boteach: Palin Was Right to Call Attacks Linking Her to Murders a ‘Blood Libel’   The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), along with Harvard University’s Professor Alan Dershowitz and Rabbi Shmueley Boteach, is supporting former Vice-Presidential candidate, […]

ZOA Criticizes Obama Admin. for Racist/Anti-Semitic position – No More Jews Should Move to E. J’lem

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly criticized the Obama Administration for promoting the racist, anti-Semitic position that no more Jews should be allowed to move into eastern Jerusalem. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described the demolition of part of Jerusalem’s Shepherd Hotel, the former residence of the wartime Nazi collaborator Palestinian leader, Haj […]

ZOA Supports Israel Investigating Funding Of Israeli Groups which Delegitimize israel

ZOA disagrees with AJ Committee’s opposition         The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) supports the Israeli government’s formation of a Knesset committee to investigate the funding of Israeli groups that condemn the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and assist foreign campaigns seeking to delegitimize and demonize Israel. The parliamentary committee will be charged […]

ZOA Calls On Obama To Condemn Islamist Terror Attacks On Christians In Middle East & Africa

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called upon President Barack Obama to condemn by name the Islamist terrorists who carried out attacks in Egypt, Iraq, Palestinian-controlled areas and Nigeria that have occurred in recent weeks and months. The ZOA has argued that it is inadequate that President Obama merely expresses condolences for the victims […]

Abbas’ P.A. Newspaper: Israel’s “aim is the destruction of humanity”

Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA), to which the Obama Administration recently increased U.S. aid by $150 million on top of $739 million given to the PA during 2010, continues to engage in blood-curdling demonization of Israel and Jews. This week, an article in the official PA daily, Al Hayat al-Jadida, described as Israel a country […]