Category News
ZOA: Eighteen Organizations Send Letter (Drafted by ZOA) Urging Pres. Biden to Deny Visa to Iranian Pres. & Mass-Murderer Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: Eighteen organizations sent a letter drafted by ZOA to U.S. President Joe Biden today, urging President Biden to deny an entry visa to Iranian President Ayatollah Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi and Raisi’s delegation, in the interest of national security. Raisi is subject […]

ZOA Gov’t Relations Dir. Dan Pollak Quoted in J Post: Israeli General Slams ‘Antisemitic’ German Official

By Benjamin Weinthal (AUGUST 12, 2022 / JERUSALEM POST) Top military and intelligence experts in Israel, the United States and Great Britain have urged the government of Baden-Württemberg to oust the German state’s commissioner for combating antisemitism, Michael Blume, for terming Israeli national hero Orde Wingate a “war criminal.” There has been widespread outrage among […]

Israel Natl News—ZOA’s Susan Tuchman, Head of its Center for Law and Justice, Appealing Case of Anti-Israel NJ School Board Members

Two NJ school board members who made anti-Israel statements during board meeting violated state school ethics law, ZOA says. (AUGUST 9, 2022 / ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS) The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is appealing a decision by a New Jersey state agency to dismiss an ethics complaint against two school board members who slandered Israel. […]

ZOA Appeals NJ Agency Decision Dismissing Ethics Complaint Against Israel-Bashing School Board Members

Zionist Organization of America National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is representing Elisabeth Schwartz in her case against two members of the Clifton, New Jersey school board, alleging that they violated New Jersey’s School Ethics Act. In May 2021 – when Israel was fighting a defensive […]

Murder Inc. – Mahmoud Abbas Consoles Palestinian Terrorists’ Families: Heroes Who Sacrificed Themselves

By Deborah Brand (JULY 26, 2022 / BREITBART) Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas hailed two terrorists who were killed by Israeli troops a few days ago as “heroes,” telling their families in a phone call this week the nation of “Palestine” was in mourning for them. In a video circulating on social media, Abbas is heard […]

Dennis Prager: “Black Lives Matter is the Most Racist Organization in America and a Hate Group”

Jewish Groups Which Attacked ZOA/Mort Klein for Correctly Calling BLM a Racist Group Should Apologize Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: Last week, on the widely respected Dennis Prager radio show on July 18, 2022 (minute 50:10), Dennis Prager correctly stated that the Black Lives Matter (BLM) […]

OP-ED Biden Visit ‘Despicable, Disastrous’ Flag-Waving Failure | The Daily Wire

By Yehuda Levi (JULY 28, 2022 / Daily Wire) President Joe Biden’s trip to Israel earlier this month featured saccharine platitudes and rote pledges of friendship and fealty, but given that Biden was spurned by the Saudis, used by the Palestinians, left Israel worse than he found it, and apparently got COVID for his trouble, […]

OP-ED National Review: Joe Biden Doesn’t Deserve Israel’s Presidential Medal of Honor

By Jack Wolfsohn (JULY 13, 2022 / NATIONAL REVIEW) Israeli President Isaac Herzog is slated to give President Joe Biden the Presidential Medal of Honor on Thursday, the second day of Biden’s visit to the Middle East. This seems to be more a diplomatic ploy than a legitimate reflection of how Israelis feel about Biden’s […]

Biden’s Policies Voiced at Israeli and Palestinian Mtgs. Demanding Israel Return to ‘67 “Auschwitz” Lines, End Checkpoints, Open Jerusalem Arab Consulate – and More – Show Biden’s No Friend to Israel

ZOA Urges Other Jewish Orgs. to Express Their Concerns about Biden’s Troubling Hostile-to-Israel Policies, Statements and Appointments Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: The policies and statements made by President Joe Biden last week during meetings with Israeli and Palestinian Arab leaders, including terrorist dictator Mahmoud Abbas, […]