Category Op-Ed
OP-ED BY: Susan Tuchman ZOA’s Tuchman Published Letter in the NJ Standard: Gubernatorial Candidate Phil Murphy’s Failure to Condemn BDS

In urging that we all stand up against anti-Semitism (“It’s Time to Urgently Speak Out Against Anti-Semitism in All Forms,” Oct. 20), Democratic gubernatorial candidate Phil Murphy lost an important opportunity to speak out against a current, serious manifestation of the problem: the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel. Mr. Murphy should have made […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein ZOA’s Mort Klein in Breitbart: Opposing Israel-Basher David Myers Appt. to Head Ctr for Jewish History.

  “Fake history” and “big lies” are key weapons used to attack and discredit America’s close ally Israel and to incite hatred and violence against Jews throughout the world. The relentless assault on the truth by the anti-Israel far left is downright dangerous – especially when it comes from individuals ostensibly within the Jewish community. […]

OP-ED BY: Susan B. Tuchman, Esq. and David Kadosh ZOA Op-Ed: Fighting Anti-Semitism in California Schools

For years, Jewish college students across the country have been harassed and intimidated.  Frighteningly, this ugly problem is seeping into our high schools and even our middle and elementary schools. In Alameda, California, middle and elementary schools have been defaced with swastikas and a Jewish elementary school student reportedly received a death threat.  Under pressure […]

OP-ED Exclusive – ZOA’s Mort Klein: Jerusalem Was Never Holy to Muslims

It’s time to end the propaganda myth that Jerusalem is holy to Muslims. Jerusalem was the capital of the Jewish nation under King David and other Jewish kings for hundreds of years. The U.S. Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 stated: “In 1996, the State of Israel will celebrate the 3,000th anniversary of the Jewish presence […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein, Elizabeth Berney and Daniel Mandel ZOA Op-Ed: Critics Fail to Refute ZOA’s Concerns about NSC’s McMaster

The Zionist Organization of America’s August 2017 report detailed US National Security Chief General H.R. McMaster’s troubling record regarding Iran, Israel and radical Islamist terrorism. McMaster’s statements and actions appear to be diametrically opposed to President Donald Trump’s support for Israel, opposition to the Iran nuclear deal and determination to name and combat radical Islamist terrorism. Critics […]

OP-ED Mort Klein – The Impossible Deal: Establishing a Peaceful Palestinian Arab State that Accepts the Jewish State

The Israelis whose lives are at stake and the authentic U.S. pro-Israel community have long understood that a Palestinian Arab state would be a Hamas-Fatah-ISIS-Iranian regime terrorist state that endangers Israel’s heartland. By Morton A. Klein (AUGUST 25, 2017 / BREITBART) Such a state would be a launching pad for non-stop attacks on innocent Israeli civilians. […]

OP-ED BY: Steve Feldman, Lee Bender, and Kevin Ross ZOA Op-Ed: Waters’ Support of BDS, Criticism of Israel Worthy of Denigration – Jewish Exponent

Roger Waters, the former Pink Floyd bass player, is part of a chorus of activists who claim that they are not anti-Israel nor anti-Jewish, but rather that they are pro-“Palestinian.” By many media accounts, the Palestinian-Arabs are beset with societal problems — not enough energy, poor sewage systems, no opportunity for political dissent; neither the […]

OP-ED BY: Len Getz ZOA Op-Ed: PA Lies to American Presidents

When Mahmoud Abbas visited the White House in May, he assured Donald Trump that “we are raising our children, our grandchildren on a culture of peace.” But when President Trump met with Abbas in Bethlehem, the US leader was furious. “You lied to me,” Trump reportedly said. “The Israelis showed me that you are involved in incitement.” Indeed, there’s an abundance […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein and Daniel Mandel ZOA Op-Ed: Pres. Trump – Don’t Consider Dangerous Allen/Bauman Peace Plan

President Donald Trump entered the White House committed to finding “the ultimate deal” to bring about an Israeli/Palestinian Arab peace. Though putting himself on record in February as favoring no particular type of solution other than one that commends itself to both sides, President Trump’s advisers are now reportedly examining a plan for a Palestinian […]

OP-ED BY: Jeff Daube Landmark Knesset Hearing On Applying Israeli Law to Judea-Samaria, Testimony by ZOA Sponsored ‘Legal Grounds’

ISRAEL, June 8. ZOA Israel director Jeff Daube, also the co-chair with Arlene Kushner the respected Legal Grounds Campaign largely supported by ZOA, was invited to testify at a special session of the Knesset House Committee coinciding with the Six Day War’s golden anniversary this week. The hearing, convened to explore ways of adapting Israeli law for fairer treatment […]