Category Op-Ed
OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein ZOA’s Klein Op-Ed in FORWARD: Pence’s Great Pro-Israel Knesset Speech

In his historic speech to the Knesset in Jerusalem, Vice-President Mike Pence reaffirmed American recognition that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital, described the Jewish people’s 3,000-year-old unbreakable bond with Jerusalem, stated that the US will transfer the US Embassy to Jerusalem by the end of 2019, thereby having chosen “fact over fiction,” called upon Mahmoud Abbas’s […]

OP-ED BY: Susan B. Tuchman, Esq. and David Kadosh ZOA Op-ed in Berkeleyside News: Did Pro-BDS Councilwoman Illegally Use Israel Views as Basis for Appointment?

It should go without saying that every appointment to a city government position must be based on qualifications alone, not on someone’s personal political beliefs that have nothing to do with the effective administration of the city’s affairs. Yet consider Berkeley City Councilwoman Cheryl Davila, an open supporter of the anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions […]

OP-ED ZOA’s Mort Klein in Breitbart- Abbas Unmasked as Anti-Semitic Israel-Hating Anti-Peace Terrorist

The Zionist Organization of America condemns Palestinian Authority (PA) dictator Mahmoud Abbas’s obscene speech personally attacking President Donald Trump, the president’s beautiful family, Ambassador Nikki Haley, and Ambassador David Friedman, as well as the United States and Israel. Abbas’ rambling, unhinged, venomous two-hour speech to the Palestinian Central Council on Sunday evening (January 14) was […]

OP-ED ZOA Op-ed in JNS: Banning BDS Groups is Necessary & Just

Israel’s decision to finally ban 20 of the worst organizations leading the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is necessary for the country’s security, and is sensible and just. BDS is a political and economic warfare movement, often combined with violence and intimidation, that is aimed at eradicating the Jewish state. No sovereign nation should […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein and Daniel Mandel ZOA Op-Ed: Terrorism and Iran are Mideast’s Biggest Problems

Are we on the threshold of a new era in US Middle East policy? Perhaps. A draft of President Donald Trump’s new national security strategy, which makes significant departures from that issued by his predecessor, Barack Obama, in 2015, provides the following clue: “For generations the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has been understood […]

OP-ED Mort Klein in Breitbart: UN Had No Legal Right to Vote Condemning Trump on Jerusalem

The United Nations General Assembly resolution criticizing President Donald Trump’s sovereign right to recognize Israel’s capital, violates at least three articles of the United Nations Charter, and is not within the power of the UN General Assembly to address, for the following reasons: (1) UN Charter Article 2(7) prohibits the United Nations from dealing with […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein and Daniel Mandel ZOA Op-Ed: Trump’s Jerusalem Action Will Promote Peace

With his December 6 statement, President Donald Trump has fulfilled his pre-election promise, repeated since his election in November 2016 and also consistent with the Republican Party’s platform, that he will move the US embassy to Jerusalem and recognize the city as Israel’s capital. In doing so, he has ended a 22-year epoch in which the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein ZOA’s Klein Condemns New School for Inviting Jew-Hater Sarsour to Discuss Anti-Semitism

Imagine a college convening a panel to discuss “Antisemitism and the Struggle for Justice,” that features a woman who seeks the destruction of the Jewish state, and who publicly stands with and supports a Palestinian-Arab terrorist who was convicted of murdering Jewish college students. That is precisely what The New School in New York City […]

OP-ED BY: Steve Feldman, Lee Bender and Kevin Ross ZOA Op-Ed About Anti-Semitism

We were heartened to learn that a Philadelphia synagogue is offering an adult education course about anti-Semitism, a timeless scourge that every generation must combat. But why is the course seemingly prompted, as its website suggests, solely by Christian sources of Jew-hatred and August’s despicable anti-Jewish events in Charlottesville—rather than July’s equally despicable calls in […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein Mort Klein: Dividing Jerusalem Would Be a Security Nightmare for Israel

In recent Congressional hearings on the question of transferring the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem, some, such as former U.S. ambassador to Israel under the Obama Administration, Dan Shapiro, have argued that dividing Jerusalem between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs in the context of a peace agreement would provide […]