Category Op-Ed
OP-ED BY: By Morton A. Klein, ZOA National President Op-Ed: Seven Reasons Showing Obama Not Serious About Stopping Iran Nukes

Before entering the White House, President Barack Obama promised repeatedly to do “everything, everything” to prevent the Iranian regime obtaining nuclear weapons. Upon closer examination, one sees this promise is as true as his statements that Americans can keep their healthcare plans and that an unknown anti-Muslim video caused the terrorist slaughter of Americans in […]

OP-ED BY: Mort Klein and Sue Tuchman U.S. Government Doesn’t Enforce Law Protecting Jewish Students

With the start of a new school year, there’s reason to be concerned:  Anti-Semitism is a serious problem on some college campuses, causing Jewish students to feel threatened and even fear for their safety.  Yet the U.S. government is not enforcing the law to protect them.  Legal protection exists, at least in theory.  After a […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein, ZOA Jerusalem is Holy to Jews, Not to Muslims

This week marked Jerusalem Day, the anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem under Jewish sovereignty during the 1967 Six Day War. It is not every day that an ancient people comes into repossession of its holiest city and age-old capital in a victorious war over enemies who, literally only a week before, had been waxing […]

OP-ED BY: Michael Palmer with Jeff Daube Where’s the Justice for American Settler Killed by Palestinian Stone-Throwers?

Two FBI special agents sat across from me in a conference room at the J. Edgar Hoover Building, in Washington. It was late October last year, shortly after Sukkot. We were discussing the deaths of my son Asher Palmer, and my grandson Yonatan Palmer, who were murdered on a Friday afternoon, September 23, 2011. That […]

OP-ED Op-Ed: Israel-Basher/Iran Apologist Hagel May Become Defense Sec.

Credible and widespread reports that former Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) is likely to be nominated by President Barak Obama for Secretary of Defense has rightly shocked Israel’s supporters and those who want to prevent Iran obtaining a nuclear weapons capacity. Little wonder: Hagel has accrued a record on Capitol Hill as an apologist for Iran […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein Op-Ed: Leaving Gaza Is A Historic Mistake by Morton A. Klein, National President of the ZOA

After the tragic mistake of Oslo, it is perplexing to see another tragic mistake taking place — the Israel government giving away the Jewish sections of Gaza and northern Samaria, and the forced uprooting of 10,000 Jewish men, women and children from their homes, schools, synagogues, farms and businesses. This unilateral withdrawal does nothing less […]