Category Op-Ed
OP-ED Tobin – ADL, AJC, JFNA Who Support Opponents of Israel’s Judicial Reform are Opposing Majority of Israelis & Opposing Democracy

U.S. organizations throwing in with the opposition to judicial reform aren’t defending democracy. Rather, they are treating the majority of Israeli Jews with contempt. By Jonathan S. Tobin (JULY 26, 2023 / JNS) For American Jewish liberals and the legacy organizations they dominate, the impulse to take sides in a debate that is polarizing Israeli […]

OP-ED ZOA’s Mort Klein in Israel Hayom/JNS: Israel’s Vote Curbing “Reasonableness” Victory for Democracy and the Rule of Law

Israel’s Judicial Tyranny Has Been Diminished By Morton A. Klein, ZOA National President (JULY 26, 2023 / ISRAEL HAYOM) Those of us who believe in democracy and the rule of law should praise and cheer Israel’s democratically elected Knesset for overwhelming passing the first part of much-needed judicial reform, 64-0. The new law prevents the […]

OP-ED ZOA Quoted on Judicial Reform Passage, U.S. Jewish Groups Pick Sides – JNS / European Jewish Press

By Menachem Wecker and David Swindle The American Jewish Committee referred to the democratically passed law as “pushed through” the Israeli legislature. (JULY 24, 2023 / JNS) The same day that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was released from the hospital after pacemaker surgery, the Knesset passed a key piece of the coalition’s judicial reform […]

OP-ED ZOA Calls on Biden to Rescind ‘Horrific’ Anti-Israel Holocaust Museum Council Appointments

By Joshua Klein (JUNE 29, 2023 / BREITBART) The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is calling on President Joe Biden to rescind the recent “horrific” appointments of leaders of anti-Israel groups to the Holocaust Museum Council — whose founding principles insist on “support for a Jewish homeland.” Zionist Organization of America head Morton Klein blasted […]

OP-ED ‘He Was an Ardent, Farbrente Zionist,’ Mort Klein Says of Late Singer/Actor Ed Ames – JNS

By Menachem Wecker (JUNE 5, 2023 / JNS) Some 15 or 20 years ago, Mort Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America, saw a man who looked a lot like entertainer Ed Ames at an American Israel Public Affairs Committee policy conference in Washington. “He was tall. He stood out among everyone,” Klein […]

OP-ED ZOA JNS Op-Ed: Four Professors “Foreign Affairs” Article Promotes Policies Which Would Destroy Israel

By Morton A. Klein (MAY 24, 2023 / JNS) This month’s issue of Foreign Affairs included a disgraceful, antisemitic, Israelophobic article entitled “Israel’s One-State Reality.” It calls Israel libelous names without a shred of evidence and then urges the U.S. government to adopt a Jew-haters’ wish list of 14 anti-Israel policies aimed at crushing, weakening, leaving defenseless […]

OP-ED Former Temporary PM Lapid Shouldn’t Be Campaigning Against Israel in the U.S. – ZOA’s Mort Klein’s Israel Hayom Op-Ed

By Morton A. Klein (APRIL 17, 2023 / ISRAEL HAYOM) Former temporary, caretaker, and unelected Prime Minister Yair Lapid did enormous harm to Israel, American Jewry and U.S.-Israel relations during his Passover trip to the United States, by demonizing Israel’s democratically-elected government as “extremist” and by telling American Jews, Jewish leaders and Democratic politicians to […]

OP-ED The Lie that Jews Committed a Pogrom Against Huwara and Other Facts About Huwara

By Barry Shaw (MARCH 6, 2023  / ARUTZ SHEVA) Some facts you need to know about the murder of Israeli Jews, Palestinian Arab terrorism and Huwara, because they seem to have escaped the attention of your Western media and the Biden administration who just met their Palestinian Arab counterparts in Aqaba, Jordan, and arranged to […]

OP-ED Netanyahu Thanks Min. Smotrich for Apologizing for Misspeaking During His Grief of Emotion Since Arabs Are Repeatedly Murdering Jews

(MARCH 5, 2023 / ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday night responded to Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s clarification of his comments calling to “wipe out” the Arab village of Huwara. “It is important for all of us to work to tone down the rhetoric and lower the temperature. That includes speaking out […]

OP-ED Israeli Judicial Reforms Are Good for Democracy and Rule of Law – Opinion – the Jerusalem Post

By Morton A. Klein, Elizabeth Berney, Esq. (FEBRUARY 12, 2023 / JERUSALEM POST) The Left has been screaming that the new Israeli government’s judicial reform proposals are “extreme” and “the end of democracy.” However, honest examination reveals that the Israeli Supreme Court has extraordinary, autocratic, unchecked power; that reform is desperately needed, and will be good for […]