Category Op-Ed
OP-ED Palestinian Arabs Overwhelmingly Support Hamas & Their Genocidal Aspirations – ZOA’s Mort Klein Op-Ed in The Federalist

Throngs of Gazan civilians cheered the ghoulish site of Hamas parading the bloodied bodies of dead Jews through the streets. By Morton A. Klein (OCTOBER 25, 2023 / FEDERALIST) At least 10 times since Oct. 7, President Biden has stated that the Muslim Arab terrorist group Hamas, “does not represent the Palestinian people,” or variations […]

OP-ED UPenn Insults Jews During High Holy Days, With Jew-Hating, Israel-Bashing Event – American Thinker by ZOA Phila. Chapter Pres. Lynn Lechter, Esq.

By Lynne Lechter (SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 / AMERICAN THINKINER) Religious and lots of less observant Jews worldwide are celebrating what are known as the High Holy Days or the Days of Awe — starting with the celebratory Rosh Hashanah, the New Year, and ending with a 25-hour fast on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement […]

OP-ED TV’s ‘And Just Like That’ and Antisemitism – ZOA’s Berney/Klein JNS Op-Ed

By Morton A. Klein and Elizabeth Berney, Esq. (AUGUST 29, 2023 / JNS) “Sex and the City” (SATC) fans appropriately expressed outrage after SATC’s reboot “And Just Like That” (AJLT) made an offensive joke about the Holocaust on Holocaust Remembrance Day. They further charged that the show was permeated with overdone “woke-ism.” But other deeply […]

OP-ED The State Department Ignores Palestinian Officials’ Inflammatory Statements While Wrongly Condemning Israeli Officials’ Statements – ZOA’s Mort Klein’s Israel Hayom Op-Ed

By Morton A. Klein (AUGUST 31, 2023 / ISRAEL HAYOM) The U.S. State Department and left-wing Jewish organizations’ moral compass is backward. They remain silent about the Palestinian Authority’s top leaders inciting and incentivizing anti-Jewish terror – but wrongly condemn Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s statements about the need to protect Jews from the […]

OP-ED Daniel Greenfield: Biden’s Arab Terror Funding Killed An Israeli Preschool Teacher – Frontpage Mag

Recent documents reveal that the State Department applied for an OFAC license which exempts it from Global Terrorist Sanctions Regulations in order to provide foreign aid. By Daniel Greenfield (AUGUST 28, 2023 / FRONT PAGE MAG) Last year, Biden met with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas and boasted that, “I reversed the policies of my […]

OP-ED Melanie Phillips: When “Equality” Becomes A Killer, False & Malicious Criticism of Ben-Gvir

The West’s core doctrine is a recipe for moral bankruptcy. By Melanie Phillips (AUGUST 27, 2023 / SUBSTACK.COM) For years, the doctrine of “equality” has been synonymous with conscience and morality in the west. Anyone who dissents from this dogma is tarred and feathered as a knuckle-dragging troglodyte. In fact, this interpretation of “equality” dissolves morality as […]

OP-ED ZOA Response of American Jewish Leadership – Jewish Link

By Alan D. Jay (AUGUST 10, 2023 / JEWISH LINK) I had mixed emotions after reading Lee March Grayson’s letter to the editor in the most recently published Jewish Link entitled “Time for a Change in American Jewish Advocacy Leadership” (July 26, 2023). I agree with the premise of Mr. Grayson’s letter; leadership in most […]

OP-ED Don’t Let Jack Lew Become U.S. Ambassador to Israel – ZOA’s Mort Klein’s Jerusalem Post Op-Ed

Appointing Jack Lew, who has a history of insulting Benjamin Netanyahu and a harmful-to-Israel record, will only further harm the U.S.-Israel relationship, at a time when what it needs is healing. By Morton A. Klein (AUGUST 21, 2023 / JERUSALEM POST) In June 2015, while then-president Barack Obama’s negotiating team, sitting in a palace in […]

OP-ED Biden Giving Iran $6 Billion Will Only Lead to More Terrorism: ZOA’s Mort Klein’s Israel Hayom Op-ed

No one believes for a moment that Iran’s mullahs will use billions of dollars of new wealth for humanitarian purposes. By Morton A. Klein, ZOA National President (AUGUST 15, 2023 / ISRAEL HAYOM) The Zionist Organization of America strongly criticizes the Biden administration’s giving billions of dollars to the terrorist Islamic Republic of Iran. In […]

OP-ED Workers Circle Quits Conference of Presidents – ZOA Quoted – JNS

By Menachem Wecker (AUGUST 2, 2023 / JNS) The Workers Circle, a 122-year-old progressive Jewish nonprofit known in earlier days as the Workmen’s Circle, notified the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations that it is resigning its membership, as of Aug. 2. It cited the conference’s “failure to condemn the Israeli parliament’s recent steps to […]