Category Press Release
ZOA Praises Trump’s UN Amb Haley For Condemning UN’s Obsession With Attacking Israel, While Ignoring Serious Threats

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly praised President Trump’s U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, for her fabulous clear thinking and remarks at a press conference, following the conclusion of a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting last Thursday, in which she lambasted the perverse preoccupation within the Council with criticizing […]

Five Fmr. U.S. Amb. to Israel Who Criticized Nominee Friedman Are Hostile to Israel Are Biased – Not Credible

Zionist Organization of America President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: It’s important to examine the harmful records and anti-Israel actions of the five leftwing, hostile-to-Israel, pro-Iran deal former U.S. Ambassadors to Israel who signed a coordinated letter to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee unfairly and falsely maligning Ambassador-nominee David Friedman.  The five signatories […]

Sane New Era: Pres. Trump Backs Off Creation of Pal. Terror State

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly praised President Trump for backing off from support of the creation of a Palestinian Arab state, affirming in his joint press conference with visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he is not seeking to impose any solution, including establishing a Palestinian state, and that he will […]

ZOA Urges Senate to Confirm David Friedman as Ambassador to Israel

Zionist Organization of America President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: ZOA urges the U.S. Senate to confirm President Donald Trump’s outstanding nominee for U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman.  Mr. Friedman has sterling qualifications, is one of America’s most eminent attorneys, speaks fluent Hebrew, is extraordinarily knowledgeable about the Middle East, and is […]

New Poll: Minority of Americans Support a Palestinian State

A new Gallup poll has found that the American public is tepid on the subject of establishing a Palestinian state as part of Israel/Palestinian Arab peace negotiations. According to the Gallup annual World Affairs poll, conducted during February 1–5, 2017,  a minority of 45% of Americans support Palestinian statehood, 42% oppose it, while 13% are […]

ZOA Applauds Trump/Haley Blocking Fmr. PA Fayyad UN Appointment

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised the US Ambassador to the United Nations (UN), Nikki Haley, for blocking the appointment of former extremist Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister, Salam Fayyad,  as UN envoy to Libya. Extremist Fayyad was nominated for the post by the new UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, reportedly at the behest […]

ZOA: Appeals Court Decision on Immigration Executive Order Ignored Public Safety Interest

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein ​and ZOA’s Director of Special Projects Elizabeth Berney, Esq. ​released the following statement: The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision (State of Washington v. Trump (Feb. 9, 2017) – which refused to stay the lower federal court order temporarily enjoining enforcement of President Trump’s Executive Order […]

‘Moderate’ PA Condemn UN’s Guterres For Acknowledging Jewish Ties To Jerusalem

The Zionist Organization  of America (ZOA) has praised the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, for publicly acknowledging Israel and the Jewish people’s historic and religious ties to Jerusalem –– recently and shamefully denied by a UNESCO resolution –– and also for making some incisive observations about the nature and evils of anti-Semitism.   In his […]

ZOA Urges House Minority Leader Pelosi: Retract Slander Against Presidential Strategist Stephen Bannon

Zionist Organization of America President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: ZOA urges U.S. House Minority Leader Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to retract her  defamatory,ugly and erroneous name calling of Senior Presidential Strategist Stephen Bannon. Pelosi, who formerly served as House Speaker and Majority Leader (2007-2011), is the highest ranking female Congressional leader in […]

ZOA Supports Humane Israel “Regulation Law” Protecting Jews and Arabs

Zionist Organization of America President Morton A. Klein and Elizabeth Berney, Esq., ZOA Director of Special Projects released the following statement: The ZOA welcomes the Knesset’s passage of the long-overdue, lawful, humane, and rational “Regulation Law,” which protects Jewish families living in homes in Judea and Samaria built with government backing, on barren vacant property […]