Category Press Release
New Poll: 60% Of Palestinians Support Continued Terrorism Against Israelis

A new poll has shown that a clear majority of 60% of Palestinian Arabs support the continuation of the current wave of terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians that has been ongoing since last September. During what has been dubbed the ‘Wave of terror,’ the ‘Intifada of the Individuals’ and the ‘Knife Intifada,’ in which over […]

ZOA: Peace Now Provides Rationale For Arabs Murdering Jews

Yariv Oppenheimer, the leader of Peace Now in Israel, has provided a rationale for Palestinian Arabs murdering, stabbing, and car-ramming innocent Jews. In a recent Op-Ed in YNET, Oppenheimer wrote, “Terrorism can be condemned all day and all night, but in order to neutralize it we must study its motives and deal with its root […]

ZOA: Pres. Obama Questions Providing Qualitative Military Edge for Israel

During President Obama’s speech at a Washington D.C. synagogue last May, President Obama repeated his often-stated mantra: “my commitment to Israel’s security — is and always will be unshakable.”  However, a recent interview reveals that President Obama in fact “questions” the cornerstone of America’s commitment to Israel’s security – namely, the requirement, enshrined in U.S. […]

ZOA Opposes Reported Obama Push For UN Security Council Resolution To Divide Jerusalem

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is urging all pro-Israel individuals and organizations to oppose a reported push by President Barack Obama to sponsor a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution calling for the creation of a Palestinian state that would, among other things, divide Jerusalem, Israel’s eternal and undivided capital. A report in the […]

ZOA To Pres. Obama: Condemn PA’s Abbas’ Glorifying Pal. Terrorist Who Murdered a US Citizen

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called upon President Barack Obama to publicly condemn Palestinian Authority’s Mahmoud Abbas’ praise for the terrorist attack in Jaffa yesterday, which claimed the life of Taylor Force, an American citizen.    Force, a West Point graduate, a U.S. army veteran of tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, […]

ZOA’s Praises Russia’s Putin For Suspending Delivery of S-300 Aerial Defense System To Iran

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to suspend delivery to Iran of the advanced A-300 aerial defense system because Iran has not honored its commitment not to deliver advanced weaponry to the Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah. Reports indicate that President Putin based his decision on information he received […]

ZOA Praises Israeli Knesset Committee for Approving MK Expulsion Bill

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein issued the following statement: The Zionist Organization of America praises the Israeli Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee for advancing the efforts to deal with Members of the Knesset (MKs) who are shamefully and treasonously abetting terrorism against innocent Israelis.  The Knesset committee voted to send […]

ZOA: ABC’s Anti-Semitic Terrorism Soap-Opera “Quantico” Defames Jews & Israel, Should Be Cancelled

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Special Projects Liz Berney, Esq. issued the following statement: It is deeply disturbing and frightening that ABC’s muddled terrorism-soap-opera series, “Quantico,” has continued to escalate its blatant, vicious defamation of Jews, Israel and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), promoting ugly lies against […]

ZOA: Condemns P.A. Call For Banning ‘Settlers’ From Visiting Other Countries

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned a call issued to the international community by Palestinian Authority ‘foreign minister’ Riyad Maliki to ban Jews who live in Judea/Samaria from visiting their countries. This call is simply anti-Semitic, stigmatizes and singles out for ostracism and discrimination Israeli Jews, and only Israeli Jews, because they live […]

New Study Shows Abbas’ P.A. Still Inciting Hatred & Murder Of Jews

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to a new study revealing that incitement to hatred and murder of Jews in Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) continues unabated. The study, conducted by Gal Berger, a journalist focusing on Palestinian affairs with Israel’s Reshet B radio station, examined some 70 PA educational books for the […]