Category ZOA in the news
Israel National News: ZOA Criticizes Obama’s Wrongly Referring to “Palestinian Lands”

Despite Barack Obama’s speech last week at the UN being analyzed endlessly, there has been no meaningful reference to the way in which the president referred to Judea and Samaria. The president remarked parenthetically that Judea and Samaria are “Palestinian lands”. Only the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) responded and protested the inaccuracy in Obama’s […]

ZOA’s Klein Criticizes Huma Abedin Attack on AIPAC and Jews

Huma Abedin, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s closest aide, urged former President Bill Clinton in 2009 to reject a speaking invitation before the American Israel Public Affairs Council (AIPAC), asking his assistant in an email, do “u really want to consider sending him into that crowd?” Abedin’s comment about “that crowd” has sparked anger and consternation among Jewish and […]

OP-ED JPost ZOA Op-Ed: Why Did Obama Not Condemn PA for Jew-Free State Demand

By Morton A. Klein and Dr. Daniel Mandel Last month the Obama administration took issue with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s criticism of the Palestinian Authority’s policy of establishing a Jew-free Palestinian state. Mr. Netanyahu had said in a video that “the Palestinian leadership actually demands a Palestinian state with one precondition: No Jews. There’s a […]

Cong. Allen West Quotes ZOA on Lie that Judea/Samaria is Arab Land

As part of his comments to the General Assembly, Obama referred briefly to the issue of Israel and the Palestinian Arabs, saying, “surely, Israelis and Palestinians will be better off if Palestinians reject incitement and recognize the legitimacy of Israel, but Israel recognizes that it cannot permanently occupy and settle Palestinian land.” The whole facade […]

Israel National News: Only ZOA Criticizes Obama UN Speech Falsely Claiming Judea/Samaria are Palestinian Lands

Despite Barak Obama’s speech last week at the UN being analyzed endlessly, there has been no meaningful reference to the way in which the president referred to Judea and Samaria. The president remarked parenthetically that Judea and Samaria are “Palestinian lands”. Only the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) responded and protested the inaccuracy in Obama’s […]

Bolton, Minister Shaked, ZOA Inspire Packed House at Pro-Israel Event in NY

Love of Israel and politics came to Queens on Sunday with Israel’s minister of justice, Ayelet Shaked, and Ambassador John Bolton speaking to a packed audience at the Young Israel of Jamaica Estates. Known for her outspokenness, Shaked is a computer engineer by trade who has been a member of Knesset for the Jewish Home […]

Divide Jerusalem? Fuhgeddaboudit! ZOA’s Klein, Amb. Bolton, and MK Shaked at NY Event

Israel’s Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked told a full house Sunday evening that the American-Israeli bond was “unbreakable and unshakable” and that the “importance of an undivided and unified Jerusalem” to the Jewish people meant that the nation’s capital would never be divided. “No terror attacks, no murder’s knife, will erode the iron will of […]

Daily News: Vile Speech at CUNY, Attacks on Jewish Students Intolerable

An investigation into complaints that CUNY campuses are hostile places for Jewish students has produced a report heavy on high-minded pablum. Chancellor James Milliken ordered up the probe by two notable New York lawyers in response to a Zionist Organization of America letter that portrayed Jews as targets of verbal attacks and harassment. After […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein and Susan B. Tuchman, Esq. ZOA JTA Article on Fighting Campus Anti-Semitism

Last week, the chancellor of The City University of New York released a report by CUNY-hired outside counsel investigating allegations of campus anti-Semitism. The investigation was triggered by a 14-page letter from the Zionist Organization of America to CUNY’s leadership, which noted, among other incidents, how during a rally last November held by Students for […]

JPost Article Condemning ADL – Citing ZOA as Only Group Speaking Out

Irrespective of one’s personal opinion of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s videotaped remarks on Palestinian “ethnic cleansing” of Jews from any future Palestinian state, Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt’s scornful public condemnation is simply beyond the pale. On numerous occasions over the past few months, I have expressed incredulity and anger at the statements of Greenblatt […]