Category ZOA in the news
ZOA Op-ed about Radical Islamic Immigration to USA

While much of the discussion concerning illegal versus legal immigration centers on the action on our southern border, the immigration statistics and patterns of another group will also have a large impact on the future of America. According to U.S. Census Data, the United States admits approximately 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year, representing the […]

Article: AIPAC and ZOA Torpedoing Iran Agreement

Israel and its supporters in the United States are the primary impediments to global stability and are spending billions of dollars to undermine the conclusion of Iran nuclear talks, a political commentator in Toronto says. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) are behind a relentless pressure on […]

Newsmax TV Interview: ZOA’s Mort Klein — “Evidence Shows Pres. Obama Sympathetic to Radical Islam”

President Barack Obama has “a painful, unpleasant, shocking sympathy to radical Islam,” Morton Klein, president of Zionist Organization of America and former economist for Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, tells Newsmax TV. “This is a man who refuses to use the term Islamic terrorism, a man who refused to go to the Paris […]

ZOA Leaders Quoted in NJ Rally Against Iran Deal

There has been a special feeling of urgency in the Jewish world during the just-concluded meetings in Geneva between Iran and six other nations, including the United States, on the Islamic Republic’s ongoing nuclear program. On Tuesday morning, both the U.S. and Iran announced the conclusion of the negotiations — and released the text of […]

Poll Claiming Jews Support Iran Deal is Not Valid States ZOA’s Klein and Two Superstar Statisticians

A recent poll commissioned and released by the Los Angeles Jewish Journal was the source of dismay to many. That poll allegedly found that American Jews supported the Iran deal negotiated by America and the other members of the P5+1 and Iran more so than do non-Jewish Americans. But the poll itself, and especially the […]

ZOA Op-ed on “Iran’s Obligations are Voluntary ” in Israels Leading Newspaper Israel Hayom

Virtually every treaty and agreement contains language that clearly binds the parties to definitive, explicitly agreed-to terms. However, the Iran deal — the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action — is different. In the JCPOA, supposed obligations are merely called “voluntary measures.” It is frightening that, in addition to failing to dismantle Iran’s ability to develop […]

NYC Rally Against Disastrous Iran Deal

The last time Dr. Arnold Berlin held a sign at a protest he was a student at Tulane University and it was 1967, the height of the Vietnam War. And while many US foreign policy decisions have since irked the physician, it took the recent nuclear deal with Iran to convince him to take to […]

ZOA Rally Against Iran Deal in Long Island

Three speakers had strong words against the Obama administration’s nuclear deal with Iran at a forum hosted by Temple Hillel in North Woodmere on Sunday, where two prominent Jewish activists and the only Jewish Republican in Congress addressed a packed house. “When the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the biggest supporter of Islamic […]

JPost Article: ZOA is a Leader in Fight Against Iran Deal

I will not add to the flow of articles that have more than adequately analyzed the horrendous long-term consequences of U.S. President Barack Obama’s capitulation to the Iranian ayatollah, who to this day explicitly identifies the destruction of Israel as a primary objective and endorses calls of death to America and Israel by his followers. […]

ZOA Quoted in WSJ about Hillary Clinton and Iran

President Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear agreement is now an unavoidable issue forHillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, a dicey political inheritance as her Republican foes lined up unanimously against the deal and it remains unclear whether voters will embrace it.   In meetings on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, Mrs. Clinton spoke positively about the pact with […]