Category ZOA in the news
It’s official: Your taxes reward terrorists

It long has been common knowledge that the Palestinian Authority, led by Israel’s “peace partner” Mahmoud Abbas, provides stipends to perpetrators of terror and their families.   I had always understood these were “off books” stipends, paid in the guise of charity to families rendered needy by the absence of family members who choose to […]

Palestinian Arabs Spurn Peace, But Israel Will be Blamed

They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The positions of the Palestinian Arabs in the latest round of peace talks, being pushed by Obama Administration and Secretary of State John Kerry, and the concessions being expected of Israel by the U.S. and […]

Making a Mockery of Justice

Under pressure to restart talks with Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority, Israel has diverged from its refusal to accede to preconditions and agreed to free 104 terrorists from its jails. It’s a mistake. Israel should withstand the pressure and say no. Why? Because it makes a mockery of justice – and inflicts unimaginable pain on families […]

ZOA Chief: Can’t Decide Who’s Worse in Syria

Morton Klein, who heads the Zionist Organization of America, tells Arutz Sheva in a special interview that the reason the U.S. is not becoming involved in the Syrian civil war is that it does not know which side is worse than the other. “We’re not sure which side is better,” he explained. “We know that […]

ZOA/Klein Letter in Jewish Exponent — “ZOA (is) rational centrist”

 Letters — June 5, 2013 ZOA Is Not ‘Hawkish’; It’s Rational Centrist Thank you for your interesting article “ZOA Lobbies Against Aid to Egypt, Palestinians” in the May 3 issue about ZOA’s Mission to Washington. Nevertheless, it inappropriately stated that ZOA is “hawkish.” Is demanding that Palestinians abide by their Oslo agreements to arrest terrorists, end […]

Letters to the Editor:

April 21, 2013 Letters to the Editor Israelis have gone the extra mile Jewish communities in what for millennia have been called Judea and Samaria are built on about 1 percent of the territory, and yet they’re seen by some commentators as an obstacle to ending the Arab war against the Jewish people (“Time is […]

We Mourn the Passing of Seymour Pikofsky, ZOA Leader

The ZOA mourns the passing of Seymour (Sy) Pikofsky, Esq., a long-time ZOA leader.  A resident of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Sy served as an officer of ZOA’s Board for many years.  He was both a National Vice President and Chair of the Executive Committee.  “He was as loyal and devoted to ZOA and Israel as anyone […]

American Jewish Leaders: Stop The Rot Now

Visiting New York this week, I sought to assess the broader implications of the recent “International Peace Award” bestowed on former president Jimmy Carter by Yeshiva University’s Cardozo Law School. This unsavory display of groveling by a major Jewish institution to a committed foe of the Jewish people is not merely a stain on the […]

Stop using misleading term ‘two-state solution’

During his visit to Israel, President Barack Obama reiterated the need for what he and many others call a “two-state solution.” We strongly oppose the use of this term – and not for political reasons. Even if one believes that establishing a Palestinian state is necessary to secure a genuine peace, one should stop using […]

OP-ED BY: Michael Palmer with Jeff Daube Where’s the Justice for American Settler Killed by Palestinian Stone-Throwers?

Two FBI special agents sat across from me in a conference room at the J. Edgar Hoover Building, in Washington. It was late October last year, shortly after Sukkot. We were discussing the deaths of my son Asher Palmer, and my grandson Yonatan Palmer, who were murdered on a Friday afternoon, September 23, 2011. That […]