Category ZOA in the news
Jewish Week – Letters to the Editor

    07/23/2008  (JTA) — The State Department said it was aware of reports that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas congratulated Lebanese murderer Samir Kuntar on his release. Kuntar, whose victims in a 1979 terrorist raid into Nahariya included a 4-year-old girl, was released last week as part of an Israeli-Hezbollah prisoner exchange. “We are aware […]

Pat Buchanan: Resurrecting Appeasement

    By Daniel MandelThursday, June 26, 2008 The arch-conservative Patrick Buchanan has never found an isolationist cause, other than the anti-anti-communist one, that he didn’t like. First he penned A Republic, Not an Empire to make the case for American active disengagement from the world’s woes but, apparently unheeded, this hasn’t sufficed. Accordingly, in […]

Hagee, The Holocaust, And Us

      By: Rick Richman Wednesday, June 4, 2008                          The firestorm that erupted with the YouTube posting of excerpts from a 1990 sermon by Pastor John Hagee – reflecting his belief that the Holocaust and the establishment of Israel both reflected God’s will – is a case study of how certain religious […]

Our World: Jews United For Israel’s Friends

  Caroline Glick , THE JERUSALEM POST   Jun. 2, 2008   Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad suffered a humiliating setback this week in his quest for international legitimacy. Ahmadinejad is expected to arrive in Rome this week to participate in a UN summit on the global food crisis (which has been caused by the rise […]

Amendments Give AIPAC’s ‘Action Agenda’ A Right-Wing Tint

  By Nathan GuttmanTue. Jun 03, 2008   Washington — The annual debate over the Aipac Action Agenda — the pro-Israel powerhouse’s lobbying platform — took a turn to the right this year, with the leader of the Zionist Organization of America introducing 14 amendments that were approved as official Aipac policy. Most of the […]

Five Towns Jewish Times – 15th Annual Israel Day Concert in Central Park, June 1, 2008

Approximately 20,000 men, women, teenagers, and children are expected to attend the annual Dr. Manfred R. Lehmann Memorial Israel Day Concert in Central Park to be held on the 27th of Iyar 5768, the eve of Yom Yerushalayim, at the Summer Stage, entrance on Fifth Avenue and 72nd Street, rain or shine, from 2:30 to […]

CampusWatch – Israel ‘Expects’ Obama to Win

Israel ‘Expects’ Obama to Win [incl. Rashid Khalidi]Looks to create defensible borders before pressured into concessions by Aaron KleinWorldNetDailyMay 26, 2008 JERUSALEM – The Israeli government estimates Sen. Barack Obama will win the presidential elections and is rushing to finalize a deal with the Palestinians and possibly Syria before President Bush leaves office, two top […]

Agence France Presse: Abbas Accuses Israel Of Working Against Palestinian State

  Sat Mar 29, 8:35 AM ET Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on Saturday accused Israel of splitting the Palestinian territories into isolated cantons to prevent the creation of a state despite its pledge to peace efforts. “Israel is continuing its aggression, its occupation, the construction of settlements and the Judaisation of Jerusalem,” Abbas told the […]

Jerusalem Post: Fight UC Irvine Campus Anti-Semitism

MICHAL LANDO, Jerusalem Post correspondent, NEW YORK , THE JERUSALEM POST Apr. 3, 2008 A group of students at University of California, Irvine – known as one of the more militant campuses in the country when it comes to anti-Israel activity – took the chancellor to task in a news release this week for failing […]

Jerusalem Post: Candidly Speaking: Hillel Goes Post-Modern

  Candidly Speaking: Hillel goes post-modern Isi Leibler , THE JERUSALEM POST Mar. 31, 2008 Post-modernist thinking has made massive inroads at all levels, not excluding the Jewish political world, where references to right and wrong or good and evil have become rare, replaced by a politically correct lexicon. Recent controversies involving the Jewish campus […]