Category ZOA in the news
Haaretz and The Associated Press: American Zionist group slams U.S. gov’t on campus anti-Semitism

The Zionist Organization of America condemned the U.S. government’s Office for Civil Rights on Wednesday for failing to protect Jewish students it says have been subject to a series of anti-Semitic provocations on the campus of the University of California, Irvine. The ZOA alleged that Muslim students on campus have given anti-Semitic speeches, distributed Judeophobic […]

ZOA’s Morton A. Klein answers the question: What is your vision for Israel and the Palestinian population of the West Bank and Gaza?

The following is the text of a question posed by Shmuel Rosner of Haaretz, one of Israel’s leading newspapers, to Morton A. Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), and Mr. Klein’s answers. These are part of a week-long series of questions and answers between that newspaper and Morton Klein. Future Q&A’s may […]

Letter: Moment: Is He or Isn’t He?

January / February Edition In “The Playwright’s Politics,” Tony Kushner says that I and others who have described him as hostile to Israel “work very hard, by taking things out of context, to make you sound nuts.” Really? Kushner has called Israel’s establishment a “mistake” (Haaretz, April 7, 2004) and stated plainly, “I’ve never been […]

ZOA’s Morton A. Klein answers the question: Is the goal of the Palestinian Authority the destruction of the Jewish state?

The following is the text of a question posed by Shmuel Rosner of Haaretz, one of Israel’s leading newspapers, to Morton A. Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), and Mr. Klein’s answers. These are part of a week-long series of questions and answers between that newspaper and Morton Klein. Future Q&A’s may […]

Jewish Telegraphic Agency Op-Ed: Hypocrisy rules in Saudi ties

By Neal Sher The United States must finally hold Saudi Arabia accountable for its integral role in terrorist activities — and the Jewish community must be heard on the issue — former AIPAC Executive Director Neal Sher writes. NEW YORK (JTA) — King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia was stunned at the hostile reception he received […]

Muslim World Today: Post Annapolis: Palestinian Actions Remain Extreme

By Morton A. Klein The Annapolis peace summit, attended by Israel, the Palestinian Authority (PA) and various Arab states, took place only days ago, yet events that have occurred in the short since, is already exposing the fantasy that such a conference could help achieve peace and that Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah-controlled PA is a genuine […]

Scoop Independence News: UNIFIL – Whose Mission is it fulfilling?76% unwilling to leave even for double compensation

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)Whose Mission is it fulfilling? Franklin LambUN HeadquartersNaquora, Lebanon Ever since one of this student’s favorite Professors, Dr. Ruth Widmeyer, an accomplished and rare beauty still, who was the first woman to receive a PhD. in Soviet Studies from Harvard nearly a half century ago, announced to our […] The right wing’s Jerusalem gambit

A new coalition of religious hard-liners with ties to President Bush seeks to scuttle any plans for dividing Jerusalem between Israelis and Palestinians. By Gregory Levey On Nov. 26, the U.S. State Department got hit with an unexpected barrage of phone calls. The Coordinating Council on Jerusalem, a new coalition of American groups with hard-line […] Walled Nativity Scene Borders On Anti-Semitism, Jewish Leaders Say

By Julie Stahl Jerusalem ( – The sale of Nativity scenes with a wall running through the middle to symbolize Israel’s security barrier borders on anti-Semitism, Jewish groups are saying. The Amos Trust, a British Christian charity that works with needy communities around the world, is selling the traditional Nativity sets with a political twist, […]

Washington Jewish Week: AIPAC supports charter letters

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is backing a congressional resolution urging Mahmoud Abbas to renounce his Fatah Party’s alleged charter. The nonbinding resolution, introduced last month in the House of Representatives by Reps. Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.) and Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), the minority whip, “urges Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who is also Chairman of […]