ZOA Demands and Now Urges Biden to Demand Qatar Deport & Extradite Hamas Officials to Proper Jurisdiction to Stand Trial

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

ZOA appreciates Qatar agreeing to freeze the $6 billion of funds that Qatar is administering, that were earmarked for Islamic terrorist regime Iran in the U.S.-Iranian hostage deal in September.

ZOA demands and asks President Biden to demand that Qatar must also promptly deport from Qatar the Arab Hamas terrorist leaders, living in luxury in Qatar, including Khaled Mashal, Ismail Haniyeh and others, who are directing Hamas terror operations from Qatar; and to extradite them to an appropriate jurisdiction to stand trial for their atrocities.

Qatari-based Hamas “Diaspora Director” and former Chairman Khaled Mashal, speaking on Tuesday on Al-Mahriah Television, called on Muslims throughout the world to join the battle in Israel and to take to the streets and city squares throughout the world this coming Friday, for “the Al-Aqsa Deluge Friday.” The Al-Aqsa Deluge, or Aqsa Flood, is the same name Hamas gave to its massacres of Israelis this past weekend; it is thus apparent that Mashal is speaking of heinous violence against Jews throughout the world. Mashal also called for the world to see “convoys of the mujahideen on their way to Palestine.” (See MEMRI video and translation.)

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was behind the gruesome attacks on Israel. Haniyeh celebrated and gloated over the savage murder of 1,500 or more innocent Israelis with fellow Hamas leaders from the comfort of their office in Qatar. On Qatar’s Al Jazeera, Haniyeh called the slaughter of innocent Israelis on Saturday a “great victory and a dazzling triumph,” and “call[ed] on all the children of this [the Arab-Muslim] community, wherever they may be in the world, to join in this battle.”

ZOA previously demanded that Qatar must expel Hamas leaders, when ZOA President Morton Klein met with Qatari leaders in Doha, Qatar in January 2018. ZOA’s “Report to Qatari Officials Demanding Changes” included the following demand on page one:

“Hamas: End Hamas sanctuary, housing and offices in Qatar. Expel all remaining Hamas leaders and operatives from Qatar, including but not limited to prisoners released during the Shalit exchange who are now directing Hamas operations in Judea/Samaria/Gaza from Qatar.”

It is long past time for Qatar to take this critical step in fighting Muslim Arab Hamas terrorism.

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