Category News
ZOA Condemns Outrageous Abbas-Incited Violence Against Jews in Jerusalem

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Chair Mark Levenson, Esq. released the following statement: The ZOA strongly condemns the antisemitic Arab violence against innocent Jews in Jerusalem, promoted and incited by Mahmoud Abbas (the Holocaust-denying, terrorist dictator of the Palestinian Authority terrorist regime), Abbas’ Fatah Movement, and Hamas.  On their […]

OP-ED BY: Steve Feldman, Greater Philadelphia ZOA Executive Director ZOA Op-Ed by Phila. Regional Director on Israel Independence Day

(April 30, 2021 / JNS) Seventy-three years ago on May 14 (according to the Gregorian calendar), the leaders of what in a few minutes would become the nation of Israel declared its independence. Just 11 minutes later, U.S. President Harry S. Truman gave the Jewish state and the Jewish people his and America’s blessing. Through a combination of […]

ZOA Praises ZOA Campus Fellows for Effectively Advocating for Israel and Jewish Students

ZOA President Morton A. Klein, ZOA Chair Mark Levenson, Esq., Campus Director Jonathan Ginsburg, and Center for Law and Justice Director Susan Tuchman, Esq. released the follow statement: “The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly praises this year’s ZOA Campus Fellowship class for their stalwart efforts to advance Zionism and strengthen support for Israel on […]

ZOA Urges New York: Repeal Bail Elimination Act That Caused Release of Violent Synagogue Attacker!

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein, ZOA Chair Mark Levenson, Esq. and ZOA Special Projects Director Elizabeth Berney, Esq. released the following statement: The ZOA is outraged that Jordan Burnette was released without bail, shortly after Burnette was arrested and charged with 42 counts of violently terrorizing the Jewish community in Riverdale, […]

Biden Picks Soros BDS Activist, Who Cheers End of Israel, as Asst. Secretary for Human Rights | Frontpagemag

(APRIL 30, 2021 / FRONTPAGEMAG) When Airbnb began boycotting the homes of Jews living in those parts of Israel claimed by Islamic terrorists, the Jewish communities of the United States rallied against the dot com. Sarah Margon however stood against the Jewish communities and with the Airbnb boycott. “Airbnb to remove listings in Israeli settlements […]

ZOA Gratified: Sanity Has Prevailed—Vast Majority of JCRC/Boston Board, Members & Federation Supported ZOA Membership

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is gratified that rational sanity has prevailed at JCRC (Jewish Community Relations Council)/Boston. We are grateful for the overwhelming majority of the JCRC Council which refused to take inappropriate actions against ZOA and who stood with us and defended the truth, such as the gentleman who stood up and said […]

No Nuclear Holocaust

Peace in the Middle East is blossoming. Indigenous Middle Easterners are united against the enemy of peace – the violent dictators of Iran. America should not stop the peace by empowering the enemy of peace. No nuclear deal. No nuclear holocaust. Learn More

ZOA’s Mort Klein Quoted: Investigate Kerry & Fire Him for Betraying Israel to Anti-U.S. Iran | Fox News

Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is accused of telling Iran about Israeli operations and now there are demands for him to be investigated, and resign, over what he allegedly told them.  Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, in a leaked audiotape, claimed that while Kerry served as America’s top diplomat during the Obama administration, […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein and Susan B. Tuchman, Esq. ZOA’s Tuchman/Klein Wash. Examiner Oped: Many Anti-Israel Falsehoods in Obama’s Memoir Must be Fixed

Adhering to facts and historical truths is vital for any nonfiction writer, especially for high-profile writers with enormous power to shape the public’s thinking. Yet former President Barack Obama’s account of Middle East history in his recently published memoir, A Promised Land, is riddled with factual errors and misleading statements and omits material facts. Because of […]

OP-ED BY: Elizabeth A. Berney, Esq. Jerusalem Post-JCRC/Boston Attacking ZOA for Criticizing BLM’s Israel Hatred is Undeserved Abuse

In the 1930s, the great Zionist Ze’ev Jabotinsky traveled throughout Europe, warning Jews to flee to Israel from the Nazi “volcano that will soon spew out its flames of extermination.” The Jewish Left rewarded Jabotinsky’s efforts to save European Jewry by calling Jabotinsky “a Nazi.” Absurd? Horrible? Of course. Jabotinsky’s death may have been hastened […]