Category Op-Ed
OP-ED ZOA JNS Op-Ed: Lessons for Palestinian/Israeli Peace Prospects of Jordan Forcing Israel Off Leased Land

Jordan’s King Abdullah II, in what has been described as a “sharp tone,” announced this week that he would annul an appendix to the 1994 Israeli/Jordanian peace treaty under which certain parcels of lands in the border regions—the Naharayim (Baqura) area near the Sea of Galilee and Zofar (al Ghamar), some 80 miles north of […]

OP-ED BY: Susan Tuchman, Esq. and David Kadosh ZOA Article in SF Paper – Berkeley Council Tolerance of Anti-Semitism

Why are the city manager and the mayor of Berkeley closing their eyes to powerful evidence of anti-Semitic bigotry and discrimination in city government? Last January, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) wrote to City Manager Dee Williams-Ridley after learning that Councilmember Cheryl Davila had dismissed a qualified Berkeley resident from the city’s Transportation Commission […]

OP-ED Morton Klein Breitbart Article: Israel Has Right to Bar Entry to its Enemies

During two successive press briefings last week, U.S. State Department spokespersons made it clear that “it’s ultimately up to the Government of Israel, or any country for that matter, to decide which individuals, which Americans, it wants to let in” (Oct. 9), and “Israel is a sovereign nation that can determine who enters” the country. […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein ZOA’s Klein in Breitbart: World Leaders Ignore Dangers of Palestinian State

The long-standing platitude that peace can only come to Israel and Palestinian Arabs through the creation of a Palestinian state seems alive and well. Thus, at the September session of the United Nations General Assembly currently in progress, French president Emanuel Macron promoted its creation, saying that, “There is no other credible alternative to the […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein and Susan B. Tuchman, Esq. ZOA Op-Ed in JNS: US Gov’t New Stand Against Anti-Semitism by Reopening ZOA Case Against Rutgers

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) recently delivered welcome news for Jewish students. OCR reopened a student-backed civil-rights case brought by the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) against Rutgers University. Importantly, in deciding to reassess whether Jewish students at Rutgers were harassed and discriminated against in violation of Title VI of the […]

OP-ED LA Times Letter: ZOA’s Tuchman Refutes Error-Filled Times’ Editorial on Anti-Semitism

To the editor: The State Department definition of anti-Semitism now being used by the Department of Education isn’t some “dangerously broad” leap by the Trump administration. It’s essentially what the State Department has been using since it was mandated by a 2004 law to document and combat acts of anti-Semitism globally. The State Department definition […]

OP-ED BY: Jeff Daube, Director, ZOA Israel ZOA’s Daube’s Thoughts – He Was Friend of Ari Fuld Who Was Murdered by Arab Terrorist

An enormous void was felt this week, brought about through pure evil, with the cowardly terrorist murder of Ari Fuld HY”D, my dear friend and colleague. Ari had an abiding respect for ZOA, particularly, what he recently characterized for his Facebook followers as the “last one standing.” He strongly identified with the ZOA message and method, as was […]

OP-ED BY: Caroline Glick JPost: Caroline Glick’s Concerns About AIPAC

By the time the British Labour Party finally bowed to public pressure and adopted the full definition of antisemitism determined by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance on Wednesday, the move was no longer meaningful. After a summer of insisting that it’s okay to say Zionism is Nazism and that Zionists have no sense of irony, […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein ZOA‘s Mort Klein Article on Lessons of 25 Year Oslo Disaster

The 25th Anniversary of the disastrous Oslo Accords falls between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur – a most fitting time to reflect on its legacy. Prior to Oslo, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was tottering on what could have been its last legs. Its leadership was in exile and it had lost the backing of […]

OP-ED Morton Klein: Trump Wisely Ends U.S. Funding to UNRWA | Breitbart

UNRWA schools teach students to hate and murder Jews, and have served as weapons depots and rocket-launching pads for Hamas. President Trump ended the travesty of U.S. taxpayers funding UNRWA’s cynical use and endless expansion of purported Palestinian Arab “refugees” and their descendants as a weapon designed to destroy Israel. The administration’s decision can ultimately contribute […]