Category Op-Ed
OP-ED BY: Caroline Glick JPost: Caroline Glick’s Concerns About AIPAC

By the time the British Labour Party finally bowed to public pressure and adopted the full definition of antisemitism determined by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance on Wednesday, the move was no longer meaningful. After a summer of insisting that it’s okay to say Zionism is Nazism and that Zionists have no sense of irony, […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein ZOA‘s Mort Klein Article on Lessons of 25 Year Oslo Disaster

The 25th Anniversary of the disastrous Oslo Accords falls between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur – a most fitting time to reflect on its legacy. Prior to Oslo, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was tottering on what could have been its last legs. Its leadership was in exile and it had lost the backing of […]

OP-ED Morton Klein: Trump Wisely Ends U.S. Funding to UNRWA | Breitbart

UNRWA schools teach students to hate and murder Jews, and have served as weapons depots and rocket-launching pads for Hamas. President Trump ended the travesty of U.S. taxpayers funding UNRWA’s cynical use and endless expansion of purported Palestinian Arab “refugees” and their descendants as a weapon designed to destroy Israel. The administration’s decision can ultimately contribute […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein Morton Klein Book Review of “How Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism & Endangers Israel,” – Breitbart

Jonathan Neumann’s new book, “To Heal the World?: How the Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and Endangers Israel,” is an important examination of the distorted theology employed by the radical left to lead many Jews astray. Neumann describes how radical Jewish leftists distorted and turned a minor phrase, “tikkun olam” (repairing the world), into a left-wing […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein Article in Breitbart: ZOA’s Morton Klein – The Orwellian Math of Palestinian Refugees

In George Orwell’s novel 1984, a totalitarian state tortures the protagonist into believing the blatantly false equation, 2+2 = 5. Unfortunately, much of the world has been indoctrinated to believe another blatantly false equation – namely, the Palestinian Arab refugee math that says 20,000 refugees from 1948 = 5.3 million refugees today. And even 20,000 may be […]

OP-ED BY: Liel Leibovitz, The Wall Street Journal Wall St Journal: ADL Loses Sight of Mission to Fight Anti-Semitism – Becomes Partisan Democrats

When the Anti-Defamation League was established in 1913, its mission was clear: “To stop, by appeals to reason and conscience and, if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish people.” The ADL’s credo has changed a bit since—it now aspires to an “ever-more just society”—but it still presents itself as the nation’s […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein Mort Klein in Breitbart Urges Nations: Leave UN Human Rights Council

Last week, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley attempted to have the U.N. Human Rights Council cease its perpetual preoccupation with condemning Israel. But our European allies would have none of it. Europe refused to join the U.S. in seeking to terminate the Council’s permanent agenda item devoted to Israel –– the only […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein and Susan B. Tuchman, Esq. ZOA Op-ed in JNS: Beacon School’s Serious Mistake Authorizing a Tribute to Terrorists

The Beacon School, an elite New York City public high school, rarely, if ever, holds silent tributes. It’s never mourned the deaths of the estimated 500,000 Syrians killed by the government of President Bashar Assad and its allies. It’s never mourned the murders of 2,000 Israelis in the last two decades. That’s why so many parents […]

OP-ED BY: Kobi Erez IfNotNow Presents a Greater Problem

In my line of work, I spend a lot of time debating the perspectives of various Israel organizations. Regardless of their agenda, which I may or may not agree with, for an organization to be considered pro-Israel, it must first express the right of a Jewish State in the land of Israel. This may seem […]

OP-ED BY: Lee Bender ZOA Op-Ed on False Arab Claims/Valid Jewish Claims

In the Middle East, not all narratives are valid or equal; some are based on lies. And the biggest falsehood of them all is the narrative of the Palestinian Arabs. Their story goes something like this: The “Palestinians” are the indigenous people of “Palestine,” with a history that stretches back 5,000 years to the Canaanites; […]