Category Press Release
ZOA Letter Showing Major Jewish Leaders Supporting Bannon as Friend of Jews and Israel

It was completely wrong for Bret Stephens to criticize Steve Bannon’s appearance at the Zionist Organization of America’s (ZOA) gala and to defame Bannon as an “anti-Semitic Zionist . . . who embraces anti Semites.”  (“Steve Bannon is Bad for the Jews,” Stephens, 11/16/17.)  I am a child of Holocaust survivors; the Nazis murdered most […]

1,200 at ZOA Gala, Headlined By Amb. David Friedman; Sen. Tom Cotton; Sen. Joe Lieberman; Alan Dershowitz; Chris Ruddy; Steve Bannon; Bruno Wu

A crowd of 1,200 attended the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)’s 119th Louis D. Brandeis Award National Dinner on Sunday, November 12, at New York City’s elegant Grand Hyatt Hotel. Amidst the night’s truly extraordinary list of VIPs, honorees included the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman; Senator Tom Cotton (R–AK), former Democratic Senator and […]

ZOA Reluctantly Supports Weakened “Taylor Force Act”

The following was released by Morton Klein, president, Zionist Organization of America, Josh London and Dan Pollak, Co-Directors of ZOA Government Relations Department: Today, the Zionist Organization of America has asked supporters of Israel to reach out to their Congressional representatives in the House Foreign Affairs Committee in qualified support of the latest version of […]

Adelson’s Statement at ZOA Gala Praising Our Work

Dr. Miri and Sheldon Adelson provided the following statement to be read at The Zionist Organization of America’s (ZOA) Louis Brandeis Gala Award Dinner held on Nov. 12 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in NYC.  “We sincerely regret that we can’t be with you tonight but we want to wish the ZOA our best wishes […]

ZOA’s Klein, Dore Gold, Bolton Testify on Jerusalem Before Congress

Watch Mort Klein’s testimony before Congress today on relocating the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. Mort’s presentation begins at 23:45.

ZOA to Glamour Magazine: Don’t Honor Anti-Israel Bigot Linda Sarsour

ZOA to Glamour Magazine:  Don’t Honor Anti-Israel Bigot Linda Sarsour In a letter today to Cynthia Leive, the Editor-in-Chief of Glamour magazine, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) urged Glamour to remove Linda Sarsour’s name and image from among the Women’s March organizers who are being honored as Glamour’s Women of the Year for 2017.  […]

ZOA Celebrates Centenary Of History-Making Balfour Declaration

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has proudly noted today’s centenary celebration of the Balfour Declaration, issued on November 2, 1917, which declared British support for the establishment within the then-Ottoman Empire territory of Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.   On this day a century ago, the British Foreign Secretary, […]

ZOA’s Mort Klein Tweets about Terrorism and Religion

Can someone also explain to us: If there’s no relationship between Islam and terrorism as many claim — why are the overwhelming majority of random terrorist attacks committed by Muslims — and not by Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, or Jews? Also, Muslims frequently scream out “Alahu Akbar” (translated- “Allah [the Muslim God] is the greatest”) while […]

ZOA Appalled at Sen. McConnell/Josh Holmes Falsehoods About Bannon’s Views About Jews

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: As the leader of the oldest pro-Israel group in the United States and as a child of Holocaust survivors, who was born in a displaced persons camp in Germany after losing most of my family to the evil anti-Semites of Nazi Germany, […]