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Israel National News: Rep. Tlaib Participated in Art Exhibit Which Advocated for Israel’s Destruction

(AUGUST 8, 2023 / ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS) Reports have surfaced that Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) spoke at an art exhibit in Detroit which advocated for Israel’s destruction, JNS reported Monday. The exhibit was held from May 26 to June 17 and featured a black-and-white drawing showing a teenage girl with a half-smile and the eliminationist protest chant […]

Biden Administration Condemns Ben Gvir Temple Mount Visit, Saudis Call It ‘Provocation To All Muslims’ – ISRAPUNDIT

By Christine Douglass (JULY 27, 2023 / ISRAPUNDIT) The Biden administration has again condemned Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s visit to the Temple Mount, while Saudi Arabia called the visit a “provocation to all Muslims around the world.” Back in January, Senator Ted Cruz ripped Biden’s condemnation of an earlier Ben-Gvir visit to the […]

MK Dan Illouz, Former ZOA Israel Rep., in JPost on Saving Fractured Israel

By Dan Illouz (JULY 28, 2023 / JERUSALEM POST) For many years, one of the most burning issues in the State of Israel has been the relationship between religion and state.  Most of the discussions have seemingly revolved around the divisions between the secular population on one side, and national religious and ultra-Orthodox on the other. […]

Pres. Herzog’s Lamentable Performance – Melanie Phillips, JNS

By Melanie Phillips (JULY 21 ,2023 / JNS) Far from the diplomatic triumph that some are making it out to be, Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s address to Congress this week left a bad taste in the mouth. Certainly, the audience punctuated his remarks with repeated applause and standing ovations. For many members, warmth towards Israel […]

It’s Biden’s Administration That’s Extreme, Not Netanyahu’s Administration,

By Jonathan S. Tobin (JULY 10, 2023 / JNS) In an interview this past weekend with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, President Joe Biden painted a dismal picture of one of America’s closest allies. Following up on previous statements damning Israel’s leaders, Biden claimed that the Jewish state was being run by “one of the most extreme governments” he’s ever […]

ZOA: Jenin’s PA/Fatah Terrorists Show That Strengthening the Palestinian Authority Would Be a Dangerous Mistake

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: Strengthening terrorists doesn’t stop terror. Israel and the rest of the world should have learned this basic truth by now. After the Oslo accords disaster created the Palestinian Authority (PA) terrorist dictatorship regime and brought Arafat and thousands of his Palestinian […]

ZOA Is Honored and Proud to Announce Its Newly Elected Chair Is Rubin Margules, Major Zionist Activist And Accomplished Real Estate Professional

Morton A. Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is honored and proud to announce that accomplished real estate investor and manager and extraordinary Zionist activist Rubin Margules has been elected ZOA’s Chairman of the Board. Rubin is a graduate of the City University of New York and received an MBA from the […]