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ZOA Michigan Leader Greenstein Letter about Islam in Detroit Jewish News

Beating Back Radical Islam Contributing editor Robert Sklar’s Aug. 18 essay “Can Israel Overcome Palestinian Religious Decree” (page 6) was interesting. Unfortunately, the “elephant in the room” is political Islam. You can’t have peace when you teach your children to hate, and that ties to political Islam (Sharia law). Over a year and a half […]

ZOA: One Man’s Inspiring Personal Fight Against Economic BDS

Zionist Organization of America president Morton A. Klein released the following statement: Prominent New York physician Abe Pollack recently sat down with ZOA and described his inspiring personal battle against BDS (anti-Israel boycotts, divestment and sanctions).  Basically, at every opportunity, Dr. Pollack supports companies that are based in or doing business in Israel, and those […]

ZOA: Black Lives Matter Bases It’s Anti-Zionism On Lies From NIF and Foreign funded NGO Adalah

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) pointed out today that the hatred of Israel displayed by the Black Lives Matter movement stems in large part from the dishonest propaganda of the heavily foreign-founded, Arab Israeli NGO Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, which has been blackening Israel’s name for years. […]

NY Jewish Week ZOA letter on ADL Promoting Israel-Bashing BlackLivesMatter

The Jewish Week article, “Jewish Groups Walk Tightrope On Racial Tensions” (July 15), understated the concern of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) about the ADL’s promotion of the #BlackLivesMatter movement.  The article said that ZOA criticized ADL’s “past relationship with Black Lives Matter members.” In fact, the ADL currently continues to promote the #BlackLivesMatter […]

ZOA: ADL Supports/Promotes the Anti-Israel, Pro-BDS #BlackLivesMatter Group

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein issued the following statement: First of all, I must state that I, Morton A. Klein, was actively involved in the 1960’s civil rights struggle for African-American rights. I participated in sit-ins, marches and I even traveled to Mississippi to fight for Black voting rights and was […]

Egypt’s Muslim President Sisi Said Islam Needs “Religious Revolution”; Obama Says Nothing About This

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: Egyptian Muslim President Gen. Abdul Fateh al-Sisi’s address to Egypt’s religious leaders at Al-Azhar University (the most important Islamic University in the world) on January 1, 2015, calling for Muslim religious officials to lead a “religious revolution” to stop Muslims throughout the […]

Forward on ADL’s Opposition to Anti-BDS Legislation Quotes ZOA

As many Jewish groups jump on board a push for laws to penalize businesses and groups boycotting Israel, the Anti-Defamation League, long considered a pillar of the Jewish establishment, is not just standing back — it has been opposing the tide. And now, it’s taking flack for this. In a press release calling ADL’s opposition […]

ZOA Mourns the 49 Americans Massacred in Orlando

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: Much of the Muslim world has an extraordinary sometimes lethal hatred of LGBT people. That’s why in January (2016), the very first sentence of a ZOA Op-Ed in the Jewish Exponent stated:  “Syrian immigrants pose a grave danger to all Americans – […]

ZOA’s Klein Criticizes State Department for Supporting Palestinian Extremism with Taxpayer Dollars

The State Department is using American taxpayer dollars to finance Palestinian Arabs celebrating violent attacks on Israelis and advocating a boycott of Israel and the division of its capital city. Where’s the outrage? Not in the New York Times, which treats the topic as subject for a light-toned feature article about what it describes as […]

When is Media Going to Treat Israelis as Indigenous?

WHEN IS THE MEDIA GOING TO TREAT ISRAEL AS AN, INDIGENOUS, ABORIGINAL FIRST NATION ? WHEN JEWS ACT LIKE IT IS !!  Unbeknownst to most, Jews are a People, Judaism is their religion, and the Land of Israel is their ancestral homeland—an unbroken history of 3,500 years– and a modern nation since 1948. Indigenous people […]