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Extremist Left Wing is Attempting to Derail the World Zionist Congress’ Efforts to Combat Antisemitism

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Research & Special Projects Liz Berney, Esq. released the following statement: The World Zionist Congress (the “WZC” – the worldwide parliament of the Jewish people) has a “Va’ad Hapoel” (working committee) – a “mini” World Zionist Congress, consisting of approximately one […]

Jewish Press: Has Deborah Lipstadt Undercut Both Herself and Future Antisemitism Envoys?

By Bennett Ruda (December 12, 2021 / Jewish Press) When Holocaust deniers are not going around denying that the Holocaust ever happened or claiming that it is exaggerated, they like to make comparisons between Israel and Nazis. In an interview in 2011 with Haaretz, the Holocaust historian Deborah Lipstadt called these sorts of comparisons “Holocaust abuse”: […]

Iranian American Group and ZOA Urge Joe Biden: Resume ‘Maximum Pressure’ on Iran

By Joshua Klein (DECEMBER 6, 2021 / BREITBART) Following yet another round of failed nuclear talks between the U.S. and Iran in Vienna this past week, Iranian advocacy group Iranian Americans for Liberty (IAL) released a joint statement with the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) blasting attempts at “appeasement” and calling to “end the charade […]

IAL and ZOA to President Biden: End the Charade of Reviving the Obama Nuclear Deal

The Iranian Americans for Liberty (IAL)’s Executive Director Bryan E. Leib and The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)’s National President Morton A. Klein issued the below joint press release regarding the failed 7th round of nuclear talks in Vienna: “Senior diplomats from France, Britain and Germany that were in Vienna last week have voiced “disappointment and concern” at the Islamic […]

ZOA Florida Director Whisler in Sun Sentinel: ZOA Opposes Jerusalem Consulate for Palestinians

Interfaith Luncheon Takes Place in Sunny Isles Beach By Sergio Carmona (NOVEMBER 18, 2021 / SOUTH FLORIDA SUN SENTINEL) South Florida Jewish and Christian leaders came together at an interfaith luncheon in Sunny Isles Beach. The Consulate General of Israel in Miami and the Latino Coalition for Israel presented the luncheon, which drew attendance from […]

ZOA Praises Sen. Kennedy (R-LA) & Rep. Sherman (D-CA) for Bill to Reduce Jew-Hatred in Palestinian Arab Schools

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Government Relations Dan Pollak released the following statement: The ZOA strongly endorses the introduction of the “Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act” in the Senate by Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) and urges Senators from both parties to become co-sponsors. An identical […]

ZOA Mich. President Condemns Rep. Levin’s Praising Jew-Hater Rashida Tlaib & Levin’s Dangerous “2-State Solution” Bill

By Sheldon L. Freilich When members of Congress propose legislation, it is usually based on a constructive approach. That’s not the case with U.S. Representative Andy Levin (D-MI) and his proposed “Two-State Solution Act”, co-sponsored by 24 other House members. The bill is gravely perilous to U.S.-Israel relations, while supporting terrorism against Israel. The Levin […]

Cong. Kustoff Thanks ZOA’s Help & Leads Bill in U.S. House to Stop U.S.-Palestinian Consulate in Jerusalem

Hey Dan (Pollak, ZOA Dir. Govt Relations), I wanted to share with you the press release we sent out earlier today after we dropped our bill with 110 original cosponsors!! We are very pleased with the rollout, and I cannot thank you enough for all of the help! I look forward to working with you […]

Israeli Minister Shaked Urges Jewish & Pro-Israel Orgs: Publicly Oppose a U.S. Consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: At an on-the-record meeting with Israeli Minister of the Interior Ayelet Shaked at the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CoP) last week, ZOA President Morton Klein asked Minister Shaked whether it would be helpful and important to Israel for […]

ZOA Condemns Biden Admin. for Refusing to Oppose “Arab Right of Return” UN Resolution Aimed at Destroying Israel

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:ZOA strongly condemns President Biden, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas Greenfield, and U.S. Deputy Ambassador to the UN Richard Mills for refusing to oppose the one-sided, illegitimate, dangerous UN Resolution A/C.4/75/L.9, which calls for a so-called “Right of Return” (“repatriation”) or […]