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Chanukah video night 5: Bubala Please

Some strong language, but amusing: (h/t Yerushalimey)

Wednesday links

From Ian: California College Students Press for Hatred of Israel “After the California Assembly passed resolution HR 35, which “Calls upon officials of California public post secondary educational institutions to increase their efforts to condemn acts of anti-Semitism on their campuses,” the University of California Students Association Board of Directors drafted a petition which opposes […]

"Rabin would have cancelled the Oslo accords and sent Arafat back to Tunisia"

From Shmuel Hollander, former cabinet secretary under Yitzchak Rabin and Shimon Peres, in Ma’ariv (excerpted by MFA): The author, who served as Cabinet Secretary to the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and his successor Shimon Peres, declares: “I have no doubt that if he had not been murdered, Yitzhak Rabin would have cancelled the Oslo accords […]

Video of Gaza children imitating their terrorist heroes

One can imagine that Hamas encourages this sort of play. Not only because it is a great recruiting tool for them, but also because they would love to see the IDF mistakenly blow these kids up. (h/t Israel Under Fire)

What do Jordan and Denmark have in common? Advising Jews to hide their Jewishness.

From Times of Israel: The Jordanian Tourism Ministry on Wednesday warned Israeli visitors not to wear outwardly Jewish garb while visiting the Hashemite Kingdom and to avoid performing Jewish rituals during their stay. According to a copy of a ministry memo issued at the end of November, Amman instructed Jordanian tour operators to inform their […]

More bad news from Egypt, including the beauty of chopping off hands

From Reuters: An Egyptian Copt arrested on suspicion of posting online an anti-Islam film that ignited Muslim protests around the world was sentenced on Wednesday to three years in prison, a court source said Computer science graduate Alber Saber, 27, was arrested at his Cairo home on Sept. 13 after neighbours accused him of uploading […]

One "collaborator" murdered in Gaza only guilty of badmouthing Hamas

Al Majd, a website dedicated to protecting Gaza from Israeli intelligence, published the “confessions” of one of the “collaborators” who was gruesomely and publicly murdered during Pillar of Defense. But his “confession” does not contain any actionable intelligence. Instead, it reflects the typical skepticism and  disillusionment of someone who sees corruption in his society. The […]

Israeli Arab students score higher in tests than those from every Arab country

From JPost: Israeli students from all sectors of society registered dramatic increases in test scores in all subjects, the Education Ministry announced Tuesday. According to an Education Ministry summary of 2011 test scores, Israeli students registered their highest scores on international tests since they started being recorded in the late 1990s. Hebrew speakers ranked in […]

Australian cartoonist loves his anti-semitic themes; paper defends him

From the Australian Jewish News: THE editor-in-chief of The Age has defended a series of cartoons published over the last week, one of which the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) labelled as “virulent hate-speech”, that have outraged the Melbourne Jewish community. A cartoon by Michael Leunig last Wednesday adapted German pastor Martin Niemoeller’s famous “First […]