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Two Terrorists Eliminated By Israeli Forces Were Involved In Murdering 4 Americans And Wounding 14

NEW YORK – Two Palestinian Arab terrorists who were killed while shooting at Israeli soldiers this week were involved in the murders of at least four American citizens. The terrorists, Jassar Samaru and Nassim Abu Rus, were killed when they shot at Israeli soldiers who were taking action against a bomb-making factory in Shechem (Nablus) […]

Arafat’s Official News Agency Says Israel Is Carrying Out “The Current Holocaust”

Arafat Again Tramples on Memory of the Holocaust NEW YORK – In the latest example of the Palestinian Authority distorting and trampling upon the Holocaust, Yasir Arafat’s official PA news agency has declared that Israel’s dismantling of uninhabited, illegally-built Arab homes “the current holocaust.” Israel recently dismantled several dozen uninhabited Arab structures in Gaza that […]

State Dept Report On Terror Victims Now More Than Seven Months Overdue And Still Nowhere In Sight

NEW YORK – The State Department’s next legally-required report on efforts to capture Palestinian Arab killers of Americans is now more than seven months overdue. It was due to be delivered to Congress on later than May 29, 20001, but still has not appeared. In face, the report is so late that a second report […]

Another American Murdered By Palestinian Arabs; ZOA Urges Bush To Demand Arafat Hand Over Killers

22 Americans Killed, 52 Wounded, Since ‘93 NEW YORK – Another American citizen has been murdered by Palestinian Arabs —the 22nd such American victim since the signing of the Oslo accords in 1993— and the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is urging the Bush administration to publicly demand that Yasir Arafat hand over all Palestinian […]

Prominent Columnists Call For Stronger U.S. Action Against Arafat

ZOA: End All U.S. Relations with Arafat NEW YORK – In response to Yasir Arafat’s sponsorship of the “ship of terror” that recently tried to bring 80 tons of weapons to Palestinian Arab terrorists, prominent voices in American journalism are calling for stronger U.S. action against Yasir Arafat and his terrorist Palestinian Authority regime.* Charles […]

ZOA Criticizes State Department For Trying To Cover Up Arafat’s Sponsorship Of The “Ship Of Terror”

NEW YORK – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly criticized the State Department for refusing to acknowledge the overwhelming evidence that Yasir Arafat and the Palestinian Authority were the sponsors of the “ship of terror” that tried to bring 80 tons of weapons to the PA. – The captain of the ship, Omar […]

Egyptian Government-Sponsored Publication Says U.S. Is Using Anthrax Against Afghanistan

Yet More Reason Not to Sell U.S. Missiles to Egypt NEW YORK – An article in an Egyptian government-sponsored ublication has accused the United States of using anthrax against Afghanistan, and also accused the U.S. of having waged germ warfare against “Vietnam, North Korea, and China.” The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is bringing the […]