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Timeline of Gaza-Israel Cross-Border Violence

The Israeli Defense Forces “Pillar of Defense” Operation., was launched with the targeting of Ahmed Jabari, the leader of Hamas’ terrorist wing. Many media outlets, however, forget the sequence of events that led to this operation.  CAMERA provides a timeline of events. We will continue to update this timeline.

"Assassination" or "Killing"? AP’s Double Standard on Counter-Terror

When describing the CIA’s program of anti-terrorist drone strikes, the Associated Press acknowledges that critics call them assassinations, officials disagree, and avoids weighing in. But when Israel strikes, such nuance disappears.

Bennis and Smiley Bashed Israel With Distortions and Anti-Jewish Canard

Phyllis Bennis, again working at bashing Israel, teamed up with PBS’ Tavis Smiley on Oct. 11, 2012 to misinform viewers about the Jewish nation. Smiley’s show is aired daily (generally at midnight) in major cities.

UPDATED: CNN Ignores Hit Jeep, Injured Israelis

In response to communication from CAMERA, CNN editors vastly improve yesterday’s egregious coverage of Gaza violence which had omitted mention of Israeli injured, had stated that an Israeli army jeep was “target[ed]” whereas it was actually hit, and had reversed cause and effect.

CAMERA Prompts Correction on Jerusalem

Following communication from CAMERA staff, CNN editors corrected an online article which had wrongly stated that Israel captured Jerusalem in 1967. The error and correction follow:

Cheap Shots: Tamimi Girl Ups the Ante

Two months ago, a CAMERA  Op-Ed described  the lead role two young girls took in  the violent Nabi Saleh demonstrations against the Israeli army. It turns out that pro-Palestinian activists pay children from Nabi Salih and tnearby villages to confront the soldiers.

CAMERA Prompts ABC Correction on Gaza Settlements

Following communication from CAMERA, ABC News corrected an online column which had wrongly stated Gaza settlements were causing friction between Obama and Netanyahu. Israel completely dismantled Gaza settlements years before Obama took office.

Former Ha’aretz Editor Marmari Speaks Out on ‘Apartheid’ Poll Scandal

Hanoch Marmari, a former editor-in-chief of Ha’aretz, details the multiple failures of Gideon Levy and his editors with respect to the publication of the “apartheid” poll article and its paltry clarification. If only the current editor would speak out.

Christian Leaders Seek to Blacken Israel’s Name

In a letter sent to Congress early last month, Christian leaders engaged in an obvious attempt to blacken Israel’s name.

Diana Buttu is at it Again, Harvard Edition

The Harvard Kennedy School provided a platform for notorious anti-Israel detractor Diana Buttu. The results — including a string of demonstrable falsehoods — were predictable.