Category ZOA in the news
Behavior Modification

        August 17   Letters Behavior modification Sir, – Re “Why the Left should support settlements” (August 13): Michael Freund makes the case that the Left should embrace settlement expansion because that is precisely what will motivate the Palestinians to return to the negotiating table; his point is well taken. In the […]

Fatah Assembly Raises Concerns About Palestinian Intentions

      Fatah Assembly Raises Concerns About Palestinian Intentions   Eric Fingerhut Aug 12 2009 WASHINGTON – The fiery rhetoric at last week’s Fatah meeting in Bethlehem has renewed concerns that the Obama administration is not doing enough to pressure the Palestinians. At the first Fatah General Assembly in 20 years, participants refused to […]

Has The Clock Struck Midnight?

      Letters to the Editor July 8, 2009   Has the Clock Struck Midnight?David N. Myers seems to think that because “most analysts concur” that an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement would encompass Israeli retention of the largest Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, most Arabs concur as well (“Has the Clock Struck Midnight?” June […]

UC Santa Barbara professor not disciplined—anti-Israel free speech upheld

      Officials at the University of California, Santa Barbara have closed the books on an investigation against sociology professor William Robinson. Robinson was accused of academic misconduct when he sent an email to students in his “Sociology of Globalization” class, comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. (Details here.) Two students complained, and pro-Israel organizations […]

Will Fighting Palestinian Incitement Be A Focus Of U.S. Peace Efforts?

      Will fighting Palestinian incitement be a focus of U.S. peace efforts? By Eric Fingerhut · June 9, 2009 WASHINGTON (JTA) — Lost in the hoopla over the U.S. demands for an Israeli settlement freeze has been the Obama administration’s stepped-up emphasis on the issue of Palestinian incitement. While it is unclear now […]

Clinton To PM: No More Settlement Construction

        Clinton to PM: No more settlement construction May. 20, 2009Herb Keinon and Hilary Leila Kreiger , THE JERUSALEM POST   Sharp differences emerged between the US and Israel over the settlement issue on Wednesday – one day after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu concluded his first official visit to the White House […]

The Advocate

        The Advocate By Herb Denenberg, The Bulletin Monday, May 18, 2009     Answer these questions and then prepare to learn that logic, reason, decency and rationality has departed from those who now claim to be peacemakers:Should nation A grant statehood to a group (we’ll call it group Z) dedicated to […]


        Thursday, May 14, 2009 Dershowitz rightly rebuts the false linkage between dealing with the Iranian nuclear threat and the Palestinian war on Israel, but he wrongly states that “most Israelis and American supporters of Israel” favor creating a Palestinian state (“Blaming Israel,” PostScript, May 10). A January 2009 poll found that […]

Note To The Obama Administration: Make Palestinians Accountable

        Note to the Obama Administration: Make Palestinians Accountable   May 14, 2009   Morton A. Klein   Next week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet in Washington with President Barack Obama. Israel and the United States remain far apart on many issues. Obama wants Israel to agree to establishing a […]

Will Obama’s Justice Department Prosecute Abbas For Murder?

            May 14, 2009   Will Obama’s Justice Department Prosecute Abbas for Murder? By Edward Olshaker   Now that President Obama has opened the door to prosecuting Bush administration officials for legal opinions allowing waterboarding of al Qaeda leaders, it would be monumentally ironic and unjust if the door were […]