Category ZOA in the news
Who Was There And Who Wasn’t?

  Who Was There And Who Wasn’t? by Stewart AinStaff Writer 09/24/2008 They wore buttons at Monday’s rally against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that bore his picture with the words “Not Welcome” beneath it. Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel was equally blunt, telling thousands of protesters in Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza outside the United Nations that he […]

Against Prisoner Release

  Against Prisoner Release by Morton A. KleinNational President, Zionist Organization of America, Philadelphia 9/17/08 Your editorial rightly argues that Israel’s willingness to release 200 jailed terrorists is “more likely to evoke in Palestinians a sense of Israeli weakness than of appreciation and respect” (‘Wake-Up Time For Rice,’ Aug. 20). Not only have past releases […]

That Campus Anti-Semitism Thing, You Say It’s Your Birthday

          Letters to the Editor September 3, 2008 That campus anti-Semitism thing, you say it’s your birthday  Quiet War at UCI  There was little explanation in your article as to why the conclusions of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) — dismissing the Zionist Organization of America’s […]

Google Responds to ZOA Complaint

    Google responds to ZOA complaint  Published: 09/02/2008 The Zionist Organization of America applauded Google for removing what the group deemed as objectionable material about Israel from its Google Earth service. In a letter to the company in July, ZOA said that Google Earth, a popular service that provides detailed geographic information, was hosting […]

Campus Currents

      OC Jewish Life   Campus Currents Ilene Schneider September 2008 Should free speech include hate speech? What is the fine line between healthy debate and intimidation? What should the role of the university administration be in assuring that students are not intimidated? How should the community work with the university to create […]

Missile Defense For The Gaza Periphery

      Missile defense for the Gaza periphery Aug. 20, 2008 JEFF DAUBE , THE JERUSALEM POST  I am an inveterate Middle East news junkie. As such, I have spent at least four to five hours a day on the Internet and e-mail trying to make sense of the overabundance of often confusing news […]

The Nation: Letters to the Editor

          August 18/25, 2008  New York City Jon Wiener’s “Warriors for Zion–in California” [July 7] dismissing Muslim anti-Semitism at UC, Irvine (UCI) is riddled with errors, distortions and omissions. He incorrectly states that only “one stone [was] thrown at one Jew,” and “only” one swastika was found–as if that weren’t enough. […]

Jewish Week – Letters to the Editor

    07/23/2008  (JTA) — The State Department said it was aware of reports that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas congratulated Lebanese murderer Samir Kuntar on his release. Kuntar, whose victims in a 1979 terrorist raid into Nahariya included a 4-year-old girl, was released last week as part of an Israeli-Hezbollah prisoner exchange. “We are aware […]

Pat Buchanan: Resurrecting Appeasement

    By Daniel MandelThursday, June 26, 2008 The arch-conservative Patrick Buchanan has never found an isolationist cause, other than the anti-anti-communist one, that he didn’t like. First he penned A Republic, Not an Empire to make the case for American active disengagement from the world’s woes but, apparently unheeded, this hasn’t sufficed. Accordingly, in […]