Category News
ZOA Letter to Sears’ President Demands Stopping Sales of Swastika Ring

[NOTE: The following letter was written to condemn Sears’ sale of ring with swastika symbol. Sears has now removed the item from online circulation and taken down accompanying links.]  October 13, 2014   Dear Mr. Lampert:   We were appalled to learn that swastika rings are available for purchase on the Sears website.  Shockingly, these […]

Protest Opening Night of Met’s Anti-Semitic Opera Monday, 6PM, Oct. 20

Monday evening October 20th is the opening night of the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel pro-terrorist “Death of Klinghoffer” opera at the Metropolitan Opera.   The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) urges everyone to attend the protest scheduled for that evening, Monday evening October 20th at 6 p.m. at Lincoln Center, 65th Street and Broadway.   (There will […]

ZOA’s Susan Tuchman to Speak on Campus Anti-Semitism at NJ Event

The anti-Israel movement on college campuses is loud and well organized.  Last year, many Jewish students received fake eviction notices in their dorms and some students were physically attacked. Now,  in the aftermath of this summer’s conflict in Gaza and unrest across the Middle East, the situation on many campuses – even those with large Jewish […]

ZOA Deeply Critical of Obama’s Threat To Israel re Building in Jerusalem

October 3, 2014 The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed strong criticism of President Barack Obama for disgracefully threatening Israel with isolation and perhaps even a rupture in the U.S./Israel relationship by stating that Israel’s decision to build 2,500 apartments in the Givat Hamatos neighborhood in eastern Jerusalem “distance Israel from even its closest […]

ZOA Praises Israeli P.M. Netanyahu’s UN Address For Exposing P.A. Abbas’ Lies

October 2, 2014 The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to the United Nations General Assembly, in which he correctly and appropriately described the speech of Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas and other defamers of Israel as “brazen lies,” identified radical Islam as the leitmotif of the Middle […]

ZOA Condemns Abbas’ Anti-Semitic UN Speech Accusing Israel Of Genocide, Nazism

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the vile, abusive, lie-riddled attack upon Israel delivered by Palestinian Authority (PA) dictator (hasn’t held elections in 9 years) Mahmoud Abbas in his address to the United Nations General Assembly, in which he falsely accused Israel of conducting a “war of genocide,” war crimes, labeled Israel a […]

ZOA, Others Urge College Presidents To Protect Jewish Students From Anti-Semitism

Tuesday, September 30, 2014 The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) and a coalition of 13 other national organizations sent a ZOA-authored letter last week to the presidents of more than 2500 four-year U.S. colleges and universities, urging them to protect Jewish students in light of the alarming rise in anti-Semitism both here and around the […]

Obama Claim: “Too Many Israelis Ready To Abandon The Hard Work Of Peace”

New York, September 29, 2014: The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized President Barack Obama’s for his baseless and offensive claim, contained in his address to the United Nations General Assembly, that “the violence engulfing the region today has made too many Israelis ready to abandon the hard work of peace.” In his address, […]

Jewish Fraternity ZBT Says: Contact ZOA With Any Campus Anti-Semitism Issues

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