Category News
ZOA Praises Brazil Pres. Bolsonaro for Announcing New Trade Office in Jerusalem

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s announcement that Brazil will be opening a trade office in Jerusalem. President Bolsonaro and the Brazilian Foreign Ministry made the announcement during President Bolsonaro’s visit to Israel over the weekend. On Monday, President Bolsonaro, accompanied by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, paid a visit to […]

ZOA Concerned: ADL’s New “Mayor’s Compact to Combat Hate, Extremism and Bigotry” Doesn’t Mention Antisemitism or Islamist Antisemitism or Islamist Terrorism

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and Chairman Mark Levenson, Esq. released the following statement:  The ZOA raises the following concerns about the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)’s newly announced “Mayor’s Compact to Combat Hate, Extremism and Bigotry” initiative: The “10 key components” of ADL’s Mayors’ Compact never mention Jew-hatred and Antisemitism, despite the […]

ZOA Condemns Cal. Arab-Amer. Dem. Caucus Chair Who Says Sen. Schumer Supports ‘Fascist Israel Lobby’

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:  The U.S. House of Representatives leadership’s failure to mete out real consequences when Congresspersons spew vile antisemitism is sending a terrible message, which is encouraging more attacks on Israel and Jews.   Everyone sees that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is still sitting on […]

ZOA:Tell NYC Mayor DeBlasio: Retract Your Anti-Jewish Threat to Remove Councilman Yeger From a Committee for Stating Truth, “Palestine Does Not Exist.”

Dear Friends,    When Islamist U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib blotted out Israel on her Congressional map, and replaced Israel with imaginary “Palestine,” Tlaib suffered no consequences, and no loss of her committee assignments for her attempt to virtually extinguish the Jewish state – or for any of her other hateful actions, positions and lies.   However, when […]

Mort Klein Speaks at Sderot Dinner at Lincoln Square Synagogue

Morton A. Klein, ZOA National President, will be a featured guest speaker at the American Friends of Sderot Annual Gala Dinner.  Click here to RSVP for the American Friends of Sderot Annual Gala Dinner. 

ZOA: Netanyahu Is Right –– Golan Heights Rightfully Belongs To Israel

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) supports Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement this week that the Golan Heights, recaptured by Israel from Syria in a war of self-defense, the Six Day War of 1967, rightfully belongs to Israel.   Mr. Netanyahu made his statement after President Donald Trump, with the Israeli Prime Minister at his side, […]

ZOA Praises Honduras’ Opening Diplomatic Mission In Jerusalem & Later Its Embassy

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised the Honduran Government for its decision to move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The President of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández, told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Conference in Washington, DC, that it had made the decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem […]

New Haaretz Poll: Only 34% Israelis Support “Two-State Solution,” Meaning a Palestinian State

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and Chairman Mark Levenson, Esq., released the following statement:  A new poll published today by leftwing newspaper Haaretz, under the title “One State, Two States, Whatever,” confirmed that Israelis overwhelming oppose a so-called “two-state solution.” “Two-state solution” is a misnomer for creating a Palestinian-Arab terror state on […]

ZOA Urges AIPAC: Don’t Lobby for House “BDS” Resolution that Includes Call for Creating a Palestinian “Terror” State 

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein, Chairman Mark Levenson, Esq., and ZOA Director of Special Projects Elizabeth Berney, Esq. released the following statement:  The ZOA is dismayed to read that AIPAC’s lobbying agenda this week includes asking its thousands of activists to lobby for: (1) House Resolution 246, which includes a call for […]

ZOA to Fox News: Don’t Succumb to Hamas-Linked CAIR’s Demands to Fire Beloved Pro-Israel TV Host Judge Jeanine 

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:  The ZOA strongly urges Fox News not to succumb to the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)’s boycott threats and demands to fireFox’s pro-Israel knowledgeable, beloved star TV host, Judge Jeanine Pirro. Giving in to CAIR’s censorship demands would severely damage Fox News’ unique reputation […]