Category Press Release
ZOA: Pope Recognizing Jew & Christian Hating Palestinian State Empowers Terrorists

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly criticized the Vatican’s announcement yesterday that a Bilateral Commission of the Holy See and the “State of Palestine” has reached an agreement, to be signed soon.  The Vatican is apparently recognizing the racist terrorist Hamas-Fatah Arab Palestinian regime as a state.  Vatican recognition of such a “Palestinian State” […]

Why is Pres. Obama Silent on Muslim Terror Attack in Texas?

The deafening silence of President Barack Obama after the terrorist attack by two Islamic jihadists from Arizona on 200 innocent Americans at a “Draw the Prophet” event in Garland, Texas is deeply disturbing and perplexing.  Such Islamic extremists claim that under Muslim Sharia law, the death penalty must be invoked against anyone who draws images […]

Huge Crowd Cheers Amb. John Bolton at ZOA Long Island Event Discussing Catastrophic Iran Deal

Memorandum     From:     Elizabeth Berney Esq. – Executive Director ZOA Long   Island/Queens Region              To:           ZOA National Board, Regions, Special Friends   On Sunday evening, May 3, 2015, a huge crowd of almost one thousand people attended a major public event of the […]

ZOA Condemns Zionist Court Decision Allowing BDS Groups In WZC Election

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) condemns the just-released deplorable decision by a 3-judge panel of the World Zionist Organization’s “Zionist Supreme Court” (ZSC) allowing the so-called “Hatikvah slate” to continue to participate in the recently completed World Zionist Congress elections.   The 14-line decision completely ignores – and fails to even mention – the reams […]

Largest Group in ZOA History on Capitol Hill to Stop Iran Deal Which Gives Iran $100 Billion Per Year

Many hundreds of strong and proud ZOA activists from 26 states across the country, from California and Arizona, to Illinois, Michigan and Ohio, to New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Texas, Florida, DC, Virginia, Maryland, and more participated in the Zionist Organization of America’s annual Pro-Israel Advocacy Mission to Washington D.C. on Tuesday, April 28th. […]

ZOA Praises Congress’s Anti-BDS Bill Which Includes Judea/Samaria

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly praises Senators Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Rob Portman (R-OH) for sponsoring the bipartisan United States-Israel Trade Enhancement Act of 2015 (S.619) and Congressman Peter Roskam (R-IL) and Juan Vargas (D-Cal) for sponsoring the United States-Israel Trade and Commercial Enhancement Act of 2015 (HR.825).  In addition, ZOA strongly praises […]

ZOA Praises Israeli Supreme Court Ruling: BDS Against Israel, Judea/Samaria Is Illegal

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly praises the Israeli Supreme Court for upholding Israel’s anti-boycott law in the case entitled:  HCJ 2072/12, The Coalition of Women for Peace, et al v. The Minister of Finance, et al. (decision delivered 15 April 2015).   The Israeli Supreme Court held that it is proper to deny benefits […]

Left-Wing Favors BDS Against Israel – Yet Silent on Ending Sanctions Against Cuba

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has exposed the hypocrisy of leftists and many liberals who have been silent as President Barack Obama restores relations with Cuba and welcomes it into the Organization of American States without insisting on any improvement in Havana’s human rights record, or an end to its aid and support for […]

ZOA Praises Passage of Corker-Menendez Iran Bill Allowing Congressional Oversight

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) today strongly praised the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for unanimously passing the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, (S. 615), which ensures that Congress will have the right to approve or disapprove whatever agreement may emerge from the nuclear weapons negotiations with the extremist Islamic Republic of Iran. This bill […]