Category Press Release
Gaza Withdrawal Has Allowed Heavy Weaponry To Reach Palestinian Terrorists In Gaza/Judea/Samaria

New York – Israeli intelligence officials have disclosed that large amounts of weaponry, including automatic assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and hundreds of kilograms of explosives have been smuggled across the Egyptian border into Gaza and then Judea/Samaria during the past week, when Egyptian and Palestinian Authority (PA) personnel allowed the movement of fugitives and arms […]

ZOA: Palestinian Destruction Of Gaza Synagogues Only Latest In History Of Destroying Jewish Holy Sites

Would world be silent if Israel destroyed mosques? New York – With Israel’s unilateral retreat from Gaza, synagogues abandoned intact have been destroyed by Palestinian mobs. “Hours after the Israelis left the settlement of Neve Dekalim, young Palestinians were tearing aluminum window frames and metal ceiling fixtures out of the main synagogue there, as fires […]

Deputy Director Of Palestinian Clerics: The Zionist Entity Will Be Destroyed – No Negotiations – Only Jihad – We Must Kill These Jews

New York — Last week Sheikh Muhammad Ali, deputy director of the Palestinian Clerics Association, said in an interview on Hizbullah’s Al-Manar TV that “we will enter Palestine as conquerors and liberators, not through negotiations, but through Jihad and the Muslim would kill the Jews…we will wipe out the Zionist enemy.” (Translation courtesy of MEMRI) […]

Palestinian Authority: We Won’t Disarm Terror Groups, We Will Continue Armed Struggle, Martyrs Deserve Credit

New York – Ahmed Qurei, Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority (PA), met with leaders of terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Syria and announced “they would not be disarmed.” Instead, they “discussed ways of cooperating.”(Jerusalem Post, 8/22/05) Musa abu-Marzouk, a senior Hamas leader, said, “We stressed during the meeting with Qurei that the […]

Hamas: Israel’s Gaza Retreat Boosts Morale Among Muslims To Fight U.S. In Iraq – Armed Struggle Is Only Strategy

“Pullout beginning of end of Israel” New York — Mahmoud Zahar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza, said that “the Gaza disengagement would boost morale in the Arab and Muslim world and positively influence the anti-U.S. campaign in Afghanistan and Iraq. We are part of a large global movement called the International Islamic Movement.” (Jerusalem […]

Prestigious Tel Aviv University. Think Tank: Gaza Retreat Will Increase Terror – Disadvantages Outweigh Benefits

New York — The Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University has issued a report, ‘The Effects of Disengagement on Palestinian Politics and Society,’ that predicts that the implementation of the Gaza/Northern Samaria withdrawal/expulsion plan will lead to an eruption of Palestinian terrorism in Judea/Samaria and create conditions of political, social and economic […]

Netanyahu: Gaza Expulsion Plan Evil – Will Become Huge Terror Base For Al-Quaeda

250,000 Rally at Wall to Oppose Gaza Plan New York — Former Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Binyamin Netanyahu addressed the Israeli Knesset yesterday pleading with his fellow lawmakers to “grasp the danger and do the right thing” to help thwart the uprooting of Jews from Gaza and northern Samaria before it’s too late. […]

ZOA: Deep Concern Over Sharon Aide Weisglass Saying 60,000 Jews Will Be Uprooted From Judea & Samaria

New York – The ZOA has expressed deep concern that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s top aide, Dov Weisglass, said last week that “Israel could eventually expect that at least 180,000 of the current 240,000 settlers would be able to stay in the West Bank with U.S. approval” (Reuters, August 4, 2005), indicating that as many […]

Netanyahu Quits Sharon Government – Says Gaza Plan Increases Terror, Endangers Israel And The West

New York — The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) praised Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for his decision to leave the Sharon government in order to make clear his opposition to the Gaza withdrawal/expulsion plan. Netanyahu proclaimed this misguided Plan “will strengthen the forces of terror…will allow the Palestinians to open a sea port that will be […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein Op-Ed: Leaving Gaza Is A Historic Mistake by Morton A. Klein, National President of the ZOA

After the tragic mistake of Oslo, it is perplexing to see another tragic mistake taking place — the Israel government giving away the Jewish sections of Gaza and northern Samaria, and the forced uprooting of 10,000 Jewish men, women and children from their homes, schools, synagogues, farms and businesses. This unilateral withdrawal does nothing less […]