Category Press Release
ZOA Disagrees with Israeli Supreme Court Decision Favoring Enemy BDS Political Terrorist

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and Director of Special Projects Liz Berney, Esq. released the following statement: ZOA opposes the  Israeli Supreme Court’s decision overturning the Israeli government’s order to deport Lara Alqasem, the terrorist-supporting recent chapter president of the violent BDS and hate group, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). The […]

ZOA Praises Trump Admin. Merger of U.S. (Palestinian-Arab) Consulate in Jerusalem into U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: The ZOA strongly praises the Trump administration and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for today announcing that the U.S. Consulate General (which really dealt with Palestinian Arabs) in Jerusalem will be merged into a single diplomatic mission, in the beautiful new U.S. […]

The New Yorker Owes an Apology to Boris Epshteyn

Russian Jews have suffered great persecution over the centuries. Many of them have chosen to come to America to seek refuge and freedom from oppression. It is disturbing that the New Yorker, in a recent article by Sheelah Kolhatkar titled “The Growth of Sinclair’s Conservative Media Empire,” chose to focus on the nationality of such […]

ZOA NY Metro Team’s October Event A Huge Success!

ZOA NY Metro hosted its second successful program, Eastern, Central and Western Europe, 2018:  70+ Years Post-Holocaust – is it safer to be a Jew and/or Zionist in Warsaw or in Paris?   on October 9th at ZOA headquarters in NYC. Matthew Tyrmand, author, journalist and advisor to the Polish government spoke to the quality of […]

OP-ED Morton Klein Breitbart Article: Israel Has Right to Bar Entry to its Enemies

During two successive press briefings last week, U.S. State Department spokespersons made it clear that “it’s ultimately up to the Government of Israel, or any country for that matter, to decide which individuals, which Americans, it wants to let in” (Oct. 9), and “Israel is a sovereign nation that can determine who enters” the country. […]

Re-releasing Palestinian Poll Showing 60% Support Murdering Jews

We are issuing the following press release, drafted two years ago, regarding detailed polling of prevailing Palestinian Arab attitudes towards Israel, Jews, terrorism, peace and so on, as an illustration of the regrettable and tragic reality that little to nothing has changed in the intervening two years.  All these attitudes are all-too-faithfully represented by the […]

ZOA Praises U. of Mich.: Punishes Pro-BDS Prof. – As ZOA Urged

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) commended the University of Michigan (U-M) today for disciplining Professor John Cheney-Lippold for refusing to write a recommendation letter for a deserving student because she wanted to study in Israel.  The Detroit News reported last evening that it obtained a letter signed by Elizabeth Cole, the interim dean of […]

ZOA to Univ. of Mich.: Publicly Condemn Anti-Semitic Lecture Comparing Netanyahu to Hitler

October 8, 2018 VIA EMAIL President Mark S. Schlissel University of Michigan 2074 Fleming Administration Building 503 Thompson Street Ann Arbor, MI  48109-1340 University of Michigan Board of Regents 500 S. State Street Ann Arbor, MI  48109 Dear President Schlissel and Honorable Members of the Board of Regents:            On September 21, we submitted a complaint […]

ZOA Urges European Parliament to Cease Funding Abbas’ P.A.

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has urged the European Parliament to cease aid to Mahmoud Abbas’ anti-Jewish hatred-inciting Palestinian Authority (PA), a measure which is currently under consideration. The EU is the largest financial donor of the PA.   The European Parliament’s Budgetary Control Committee is due to vote in late October on an […]

ZOA to UPenn: Upcoming Anti-Israel Program Promotes Ugly Lies – Invite Pro-Israel Speaker

VIA EMAIL Professor Firoozeh Kashani-Sabet Director, University of Pennsylvania’s Middle East Center 228 Fisher-Bennett Hall, 3340 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6203   Dear Professor Kashani-Sabet: We write on behalf of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the oldest and one of the largest pro-Israel organizations in the U.S., whose mission includes fighting anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias […]