Category Press Release
ZOA Dedicates Its New Offices in Midtown Manhattan, Wed. June 27

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is proud to announce a special event commemorating the opening of our beautiful and spacious new offices in Midtown Manhattan. The ceremony will take place in our lobby, at our offices on Wednesday, June 27th. The Lobby has magnificent busts of Supreme Court Justice and past ZOA president Louis […]

ZOA Praises Amb Haley/Pres.Trump For Leaving Israel-Bashing UN Human Rights Council

  Morton Klein (@MortonAKlein7)   6/20/18, 12:23 AM ZOA president Morton A Klein released the following statement: The Zionist Organization of America(ZOA) strongly praises and expresses great appreciation for the fabulous and extraordinary UN Ambassador Nikki Haley and President Donald Trump for leaving the bigoted anti Semitic wrongly named Israel-Bashing UN HumanRightsCouncil. This disgraceful and shameful […]

Morton Klein and Wife Rebecca (Rita) Praises Trump for Acting on Family Separations at Border – Urges More Be Done

  Morton Klein (@MortonAKlein7)   6/21/18, 6:22 AM Morton Klein and wife Rebecca(Rita) Klein,who have a daughter and four grandchildren, find the separation,during these serious border issues, of some parents from their children heartbreaking. We strongly praise President Trump for his executive order helping to alleviate this serious problem. Rebecca and I respectfully urge President […]

ZOA to SF Board of Ed: Cancel Contract with Anti-Israel Hate Group

VIA EMAIL Members, Board of Education San Francisco Unified School District 555 Franklin Street San Francisco, CA 94102 Dear President Mendoza-McDonnell, Vice President Cook, and Members of the San Francisco Unified School District’s Board of Education: We write on behalf of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the oldest and one of the largest pro-Israel […]

Gen. Hayden Comparing U.S. Border Policy to Nazi Policies is Disgracefully Absurd

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein, a child of Holocaust survivors, released the following statement: Many members of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) had family members who were murdered by the Nazis.  ZOA President Morton Klein was born in a displaced persons camp in Neu Ulm Germany to two Auschwitz Holocaust survivors.  […]

ZOA Dept. of Ed. Chancellor: Explain Silence On Beacon School Mourning Deaths of Jew-Killing Hamas Terrorists

June 14, 2018 Mr. Richard A. Carranza Chancellor, New York City Department of Education Tweed Courthouse 52 Chambers Street New York, NY 10007 Dear Chancellor Carranza: Last month, we copied you on a letter to Superintendent Kathy Rehfield-Pelles, after officials at The Beacon School – a New York City public high school – allowed a […]

UN Res. Condemning Israel’s Defense Actions in Gaza/Hamas Invasion is an Outrage

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: The United Nations has once again demonstrated that, instead of furthering truth, peace and international harmony, the UN is an antisemitic Islamist-dominated lynch mob focused on maligning Jews for defending themselves from Hamas-led attempts to invade Israel to murder Jews; and that […]

ZOA to William Paterson Univ.: Terminate Professor Teaching Anti-Semitic Lies

 June 13, 2018 VIA EMAIL Kathleen Waldron, Ph.D. President, William Paterson University 300 Pompton Road Wayne, NJ  07470 Dear President Waldron: We write on behalf of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the oldest and one of the largest pro-Israel organizations in the U.S., whose mission includes fighting anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias in schools and […]

ZOA Appalled: Tel Aviv U Humanities Faculty’s Bans Hatikva Anthem from Graduation Ceremony

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: “No hope,” “no self-respect” and “no appreciation for one’s country” were the messages that Tel Aviv University’s (TAU) Faculty of Humanities’ new Dean (Professor Leo Corry) sent when, disgracefully, he banned Israel’s beautiful national anthem, Hatikva (“the Hope”) from the TAU Humanities school’s 2018 […]

Israel-Hating Site Calls ZOA “Powerful” Palestinian-Bashers on Beacon School Mourning Hamas Deaths

On Tuesday, May 15th, students at the Beacon School, an “elite” public high school in Hell’s Kitchen, decided to commemorate the 62 Palestinians who were killed the day before in Gaza during the Great March of Return. A simple announcement over the loudspeaker that lasted a minute somehow warranted a witch hunt on the administration […]