Instead of investigating activist claims that the building in E1 bisects the West Bank and cuts off access to Jerusalem, much of the media has simply echoed the false accusations.
Instead of investigating activist claims that the building in E1 bisects the West Bank and cuts off access to Jerusalem, much of the media has simply echoed the false accusations.
Following communication from CAMERA staff, CNN has corrected and clarified inaccurate claims that a soccer star signed on to an inaccurate anti-Israel petition.
A Baltimore Sun Op-Ed, using Israel’s “Pillar of Defense” operation against Hamas as news peg, blamed Israel for a host of Middle East ills. CAMERA’s letter to the editor “Criticism of Israel ignores the facts” set the record straight.
Middle Eastern conflict hit home last week as students held demonstrations at Kent State to educate the campus community about continuous fighting between Israelis and Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
Everything about CNN’s claim that soccer star Didier Drogba joined 61 other players to protest the killing of Gaza teens playing soccer is false. Drogba signed nothing, there were fewer than 62 signatories to the petition, and Israel didn’t kill 4 people playing soccer. UPDATE: CNN has corrected.
Pierre Tristam gets a number of facts wrong in an op-ed published in Florida’s Sun Sentinel. He falsely claims Gazans can’t fish in the Mediterranean (they can) and that they cannot trade with the outside world. They do.
A new monograph about CAMERA’s six-month study of The New York Times details how the newspaper treats Israel with a harsher standard, omits context, and shows a clear preference for the Palestinian narrative.
Israeli venture capitalist Jonathan Medved laughs when people talk about boycotting products from Israel. Do that, Medved says, and you might have to face more than a few inconveniences. ‘Every day, each and every one of us is using Israeli techno …
In response to CAMERA and public complaint, PBS Newshour corrected its inaccurate reference to Erez as the only crossing point between Israel and Gaza.
PBS’ “Newshour” aired back-to-back stories about Gaza and Israel resuming normal life. The Gaza segment is filled with civilians and devastation. In contrast, viewers do not see a single Israeli victim of Hamas rockets, nor is there one shot of destruction in southern Israel.
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