Category ZOA in the news
The Most Significantly Forgotten Component of Israeli-Arab Relations

The Mount of Olives (Har Hazeitim in Hebrew) in Jerusalem has been used as a Jewish cemetery for more than 3,000 years. Approximately 150,000 Jewish people are buried there, including some of the greatest Jewish leaders, prophets, and rabbis of all time. Thus the Mount of Olives is by far the largest and most important […]

ZOA Mentioned in Baltimore Jewish Times about BDS Bill and Senator Ben Cardin

Amendments targeting European anti-Israel trade activities were adopted unanimously in the House and Senate finance committees last week. Sens. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) authored amendments discouraging European trading partners from engaging in boycotts of Israel or Israeli-controlled territories. Cardin’s amendment was accepted in a 26-0 roll call […]

Letter about ZOA’s Susan Tuchman Talk on Campus Anti-Semitism in Detroit Jewish News

Congratulations to the Zionist Organization of America – Michigan Region president Eugene Greenstein and Sandy Rosen, chair of the Adat Shalom Israel Advocacy Committee, for co-sponsoring attorney Susan Tuchman, director ZOA’s Center for Law and Justice. She made an excellent presentation on anti-Semitism on college campuses on Wednesday evening, April 15, at Adat Shalom Synagogue. […]

JPost Article: Vote ZOA in World Zionist Congress Elections

With our new government almost formed following a critical Knesset election, the Jewish world is now facing another crucial democratic decision: elections for the World Zionist Congress. As the campaign heats up, some have called on world Jewry to vote for sectorial slates in the hope that they will then back projects aimed at their […]

ZOA’s Klein Quoted in Bloomberg News About Jeb Bush – Jim Baker Connection

Inside a conference room Friday night at the Venetian on the Las Vegas Strip, top boosters for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker mingled with some of his biggest potential donors, including New York property attorney Phil Rosen and Todd Ricketts, part-owner of the Chicago Cubs.  About the same time, Jeb “Jebby” Bush Jr., son of another […]

ZOA’s Klein Quoted on Importance of Voting in World Zionist Congress Elections

Call it the other Israel election. The World Zionist Congress — a global Zionist body that formed more than a century ago but retains significant influence in Israel — is holding elections for US delegates to its global assembly. At stake is leadership of an organization that helps manage agencies in Israel with budgets in […]

Politico News Quoted ZOA in Article about Ted Cruz and Orthodox Jews

Ted Cruz loves Orthodox Jews — and they love him back. It’s a dynamic that allows the hard-line conservative presidential contender — a practicing Southern Baptist himself — to tap Orthodox donors more aggressively than any other 2016 candidate, as he zeros in on a small but potentially winnable slice of an otherwise deeply Democratic […]

ZOA/CAMERA Campaigns Against Pittsburgh Gazette Anti Israel Bias

Jewish groups singled out the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette for rebuke, calling the daily newspaper out for purported anti-Israel bias in its editorials. In a letter addressed to Post-Gazette publisher and editor-in-chief John R. Block, executive editor David Shribman and Allan J. Block, chairman of Block Communications, which owns the paper, the Zionist Organization of America-Pittsburgh District […]

ZOA Campus Staffer Article in Pittsburgh Paper About Shocking Anti-Semitism at U. of Pitt

The University of Pittsburgh chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine plans to host an event on Holocaust Remembrance Day, which falls this year on Thursday. The purpose of this event is not to commemorate the Holocaust but rather to vandalize the day by painting Israelis as modern-day Nazis. This perverse ahistorical comparison fits squarely […]

JPost: ZOA is Rare Jewish Group Condemning Attacks on Netanyahu Speaking to Congress

The announcement of the Lausanne joint statement concerning the framework of the US deal with Iran highlighted the extent of President Barack Obama’s subterfuge and deception. We also witnessed the blatant contempt of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who rejected key components of the “agreements” and referred to America’s “devilish” objectives while his audience […]