Category ZOA in the news
Stop Connecting Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism With Islamophobia

Many practitioners of Islam reject Jewish sovereignty and consider Jews (and Christians) to be dhimmis – treated as second-class citizens. Arabism or Arab nationalism reject Zionism. This is the harsh reality. Within mainstream Judaism, there is no such analogue. But the media – especially the liberal mainstream media – is reflexively prone to link anti-Semitism […]

ZOA’s Mort Klein Speaking at Christian Pro-Israel Rally in Omaha – Organized by Former Imam

Dr. Mark Christian grew up in Egypt the son of a Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader, physician and military officer, with all the privileges and pressures that came with that elite status. By the age of 12 he’d memorized more than 70 percent of the Quran. He was a child imam who studied in Cairo’s best […]

Cover Story about Mort Klein’s Life in the Jewish Standard

Of course, in some senses it is not at all a true statement, nor a fair one. The organization is growing, it is establishing regional branches, and here in northern New Jersey its regional director, Laura Fein, is working actively and visibly to establish the ZOA in what is likely to be fertile ground for […]

ZOA Quoted in Time Magazine

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, who calls himself “America’s Rabbi,” apologized for his organization’s ad claiming that White House National Security Advisor Susan Rice is complicit in genocide. “Susan Rice has a blind spot: Genocide,” says the ad, which ran a full page in the New York Times Saturday. The ad says she “stood by” as genocide […]

ZOA Quoted in Foreign Policy Magazine About Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer

The White House’s simmering anger at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has erupted into a series of increasingly personal attacks on the Israeli leader, with National Security Advisor Susan Rice labeling Netanyahu’s upcoming speech to a joint session of Congress “destructive” to the U.S.-Israeli relationship and Secretary of State John Kerry publicly mocking the Israeli […]

ZOA Quoted in Boston Herald about Israeli PM Speech

The Obama administration and Benjamin Netanyahu continued to trade jabs over nuclear talks with Iran on the eve of the Israeli prime minister’s controversial address to Congress. Last night National Security Advisor Susan Rice defended the talks as the only viable option for protecting Israel’s security. “We are keeping all options on the table to […]

Obama Pokes his Finger in AIPAC’s Eye

The insult could not be more clear. Just days after National Security Adviser Susan Rice declared that Israel’s prime minister’s speech to Congress at the House’s invitation is “destructive” to the U.S.-Israel relationship, the White House designated her as a speaker for the AIPAC annual policy conference that begins Sunday. (U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power […]

ZOA ‘s Klein Quoted in Article about Court Verdict that PA Responsible for Murdering Jews

Palestinian efforts towards statehood and international legitimacy took a hit this week, with US jurors blaming Palestinian officials for terror attacks in Israel that killed or wounded American citizens a decade ago. A New York civil court decision to award $218.5m in damages against the Palestinian leadership was a major setback in a battle against […]

ZOA Op-ed: Israel Has Overcome Many Disputes with US Since 1948

We are at that periodic occurrence, a crisis in Israeli/U.S. relations. This one revolves around White House pique over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s acceptance of an invitation by House Speaker, John Boehner, to address the U.S. Congress on Iran’s nuclear weapons program, an issue on which the White House and Jerusalem have been divided […]