Category ZOA in the news
Time to Put the Squeeze on Palestinian Aid

  At the 1993 Oslo signing ceremony in Washington, President Bill Clinton called the Oslo accords a “brave gamble.” Actually, Oslo turned out to be a tragic gamble that cost Israel almost 2,000 lives, with thousands more maimed. The reason: a concessionary policy that ignored continuing Palestinian rejection of Israel‘s existence as a Jewish state […]

Jewish Groups Ask Supreme Court to Reject ‘Lawfare’

  Washington, DC – Four Jewish groups have filed an amicus curiae (”friend of the court”) brief with the United States Supreme Court asking the Justices to overturn the ruling of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals that, the amici claim, could inhibit officials of the State of Israel from lecturing or meeting with others […]

A risk we can’t afford

    Sir, – In your editorial, you spoke correctly of the “risks” of “further kidnappings and killings” that arise if Israel frees hundreds of terrorists to obtain the freedom of Gilad Schalit (“Schalit: The details matter,” December 3). The Israeli public must bear in mind that freed terrorists have already murdered large numbers of […]

ZOA letter in Kansas City Jewish Chronicle About Sen. Brownback and Jerusalem

    The editorial in the Nov. 13 Chronicle concerning Sen. Brownback was inappropriate and frankly, misguided. It would not have been surprising for an anti-Israel newspaper to criticize this pro-Israel action by one of the most pro-Israel senators, but for a Jewish newspaper to do so is shameful. Sen. Brownback’s S. 2737, to require the U.S. Embassy to be moved […]

Is Clinton Soft On Fatah Intransigence?

  At the 1993 Oslo signing ceremony in Washington, President Bill Clinton called the Oslo Accords a “brave gamble.” Actually, Oslo turned out to be a tragic gamble that cost Israel almost more than 1,900 dead and thousands more maimed. The reason: a concessionary policy that ignored continuing Palestinian rejection of Israel’s existence as a […]

Releasing Killers Endangers Israelis

     Last week, in return for a video – not the freedom of a kidnap victim, but a video of a kidnap victim – Israel freed 20 Palestinian prisoners. This has to stop.      At one time Israel would release terrorists – but not those with “blood on their hands” and only in […]

J Street should rescind its invitation to Al-Marayati

  Is J Street really a pro-Israel group? The lobbying organization never tires of claiming it is. Yet what pro-Israel group would invite a man to speak at its upcoming conference who’s called for Israel’s destruction, stating that “the establishment by force, violence and terrorism of a Jewish state in Palestine in 1948” was “a […]

Abbas Conference Shows PA Has No Interest In Peace

  Fatah, the ruling party in the Palestinian Authority (PA) headed by Fatah co-founder, Mahmoud Abbas, has held in Bethlehem it first congress in twenty years. What has emerged? – An adamant refusal to accept Israel’s existence as a Jewish state; glorification of terrorists and the “armed struggle,” insistence on the so-called ‘right of return,’ […]

Not About Right and Left, but About Rights of Jews

    Letters August 20, 2009 Not About Right and Left, but About Rights of Jews It is ironic that the editorial in the July 23 Jewish Exponent (“A Hunger for Civility”) discussed Jewish divisiveness as leading to tragedy, while in the same issue there was a false and divisive news story whose premise was […]

ZOA: ‘US Jews Realizing Their Mistake on Obama’

( Rubin Margules, a member of the Zionist Organization of America’s National Executive Board, told Israel National News that American Jews have begun to realize they made a mistake by voting for U.S. President Barack Obama. Margules, who accompanied former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee on his trip to Judea and Samaria Tuesday, said Israel should […]