Category News
Two Weeks in Abbas’ P.A.: Fatah/PA Leaders Praise Hamas Rocket Barrage On Israel, New Fatah Logo Erases Israel, PA Radio Song Praises Suicide Bombing

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed again to another two-week period within Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA), which is funded by, among others, the U.S. taxpayer, in which glorification of terrorists and incitement to hatred and violence have been prominent and routine. In this period, senior Fatah/PA leaders praised the rocket barrage launched […]

How Do Goods Get to Gaza? We Asked the Officer in Charge

Nira serves as the assistant foreign liaison officer to international organizations in the Gaza Strip. She explains how goods get into Gaza. Related posts: Infographic: In One Week, 34,062 Tons of Goods Entered Gaza Infographic: Last week, 32,401 Tons of Goods Entered Gaza Infographic: Last week, 32,800 Tons of Goods Entered Gaza

CAMERA’s Letter to the Editor in USA TODAY

USA TODAY (“Netanyahu’s arrogance threatens peace prospects,” December 6) blamed Israel and its prime minister, instead of repeated Palestinian rejections, for the absence of peace. CAMERA’s December 11 letter to the editor spotlights the editorial’s pretzel logic.

CAMERA Prompts New York Times Corrections on Effect of E1 Corridor

In response to discussion with CAMERA staff, The New York Times corrected inaccurate claims about the E1 corridor cutting off Palestinian cities from Jerusalem and bisecting the West Bank.

Media Embrace E1 Falsehoods

Instead of investigating activist claims that the building in E1 bisects the West Bank and cuts off access to Jerusalem, much of the media has simply echoed the false accusations.

The Chief of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff Arrives in Israel

The Chief of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff, General Mikhail Kostarakos, arrived today – Sunday, December 9th, 2012 – for his first visit to Israel in his current position. He is arriving as a guest of the Chief of Related posts: Photos: IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi is Hosted […]

Hamas Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary

Hamas is celebrating its 25th anniversary today in the Gaza Strip — 25 years of suicide bombings, rocket attacks, incitement to genocide, repression and endless war against Israel. Throughout the day, the official IDF twitter account, @idfspokesperson, is tweeting examples Related posts: Hamas Marks 24th Anniversary Transfer of Gaza Strip Merchandise and Humanitarian Aid For […]

CAMERA Prompts CNN Correction on Soccer Petition

Following communication from CAMERA staff, CNN has corrected and clarified inaccurate claims that a soccer star signed on to an inaccurate anti-Israel petition.

CAMERA Letter in Baltimore Sun Responds to Unfair Criticism of Israel

A Baltimore Sun Op-Ed, using Israel’s “Pillar of Defense” operation against Hamas as news peg, blamed Israel for a host of Middle East ills. CAMERA’s letter to the editor “Criticism of Israel ignores the facts” set the record straight.

Always Watching: The IDF Unmanned Ground Vehicle

The border with Gaza is one of Israel’s most tense regions. Hamas snipers, anti-tank missiles and explosives threaten IDF soldiers whose job it is to patrol the security fence on the border. To counter these threats, the IDF has introduced Related posts: Virtual Reality – The IDF Ground Forces Battle Lab Discover the IDF’s Future […]