Category Press Release
ZOA/Others Protest UN Head Ban Ki-moon Speaking at Park East Synagogue

Morton A Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), released the following statement: On Saturday morning 2016, ZOA folks stood in the freezing cold weather outside of Park East Synagogue in Manhattan, distributing leaflets with the headline: “Ban Ki-Moon is Morally Bankrupt!  Hypocrite Mr. Ban Cries About the Past Holocaust, While Legitimizing Murdering […]

ZOA: Obama Misrepresented Muslim History During Radical Mosque Speech

During President Obama’s speech at the Islamic Society of Baltimore (ISB) mosque (Feb. 3), the President falsely presented Islam as the “religion of peace,” and ignored Islam’s history of piracy against America and Europe, enslavement of blacks and others, and forcible conversions and murders of persons of other faiths. The Saudi Arabia, Iraqi, and Palestinian […]

ZOA: In Anti-Semitism Speech Obama Promotes Palestinian Agenda, Covers Up Anti-Israel Actions

Morton A.Klein, president of the Zionist Organization issued the following statement: President Obama hypocritically used his remarks at a “Righteous Among Nations” award ceremony on Tuesday evening (January 27, 2016) to try to cover up his own alarming recent anti-Israel, anti-Semitic actions.  In addition, in his speech, the President equated Muslims, Palestinians and impossible-to-vet, ISIS-infiltrated […]

ZOA: Obama’s Visit to Baltimore Mosque That Has Terror Ties Was A Frightening Disgrace

M orton A. Klein, national president of the The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), issued the following statement: Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a prominent Muslim leader, stated:  “As an American Muslim I’m just insulted.  It’s disgraceful that this is the mosque-that Obama’s picked to be the first visit.  The Islamic Society of Baltimore, first of all if […]

Obama Praises “Morocco Summit” Which Committed to “Charter of Medina” Used To Trick and Murder Jews

During President Obama’s speech at the Islamic Society of Baltimore mosque yesterday (Wednesday February 3, 2016), Obama praised a recent Morocco Muslim leadership summit, again.   President Obama had praised the Morocco summit last week (Jan. 27) at the “Righteous Among Nations” award ceremony.  During both speeches, Obama claimed the Muslim leaders met in Morocco “to […]

ZOA Critical Of Canadian PM Trudeau Failing To Mention Jews In Holocaust Statement

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for delivering a commemorative statement for International Holocaust Remembrance Day in which he failed to mention Jews. In his 111-word statement, Prime Minister Trudeau referred to the “atrocities of the Nazi regime” but mentioned only the “victims” of the Shoah.    ZOA […]

ZOA Criticizes UN’s Ban Ki-Moon For Immorally Claiming ‘Settlements” Cause Pal. Terror

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is appalled by the grotesque and immoral statement by the United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, delivered to the UN Security Council this week, which, among other things, absurdly and immorally blamed Israeli “occupation” and Palestinian Arab “frustration” for recent Palestinian Arab terrorism against Israelis and shockingly legitimized this terrorism […]

ZOA Condemns EU, PA and Obama Administration Moves To Declare Legal “Settlements” Illegal

Morton A. Klein,, president of The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) released the following statement: The European Union (EU) (with the Obama administration’s support) and the Palestinian Authority (PA) are once again waging perverse diplomatic warfare to attempt to deny the fact that Israel has the strongest legal right to areas over the 1949 Armistice […]

ZOA Praises American Historical Association for Rejecting Anti-Israel BDS Resolution

Morton A. Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) released the following statement: The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) praises the American Historical Association (AHA) for overwhelmingly defeating an anti-Israel BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) resolution , during AHA’s annual meeting in Atlanta this month.  The vote was a resounding 111 to 50.   The […]

House Leader Cong. Roskam (R-IL) Letter Condemns US Amb. to Israel Shapiro’s Anti-Israel Speech

The Honorable John Kerry United States Secretary of State 220 I C Street NW Washington D.C., 20520     Dear Secretary Kerry:   I write to express my alarm and disappointment in Ambassador Dan Shapiro’s recent comments about the Israeli Palestinian conflict at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) Security Conference in Tel Aviv, Israel.   Ambassador  Shapiro troublingly questioned Israel’s “long-term intentions”and openly […]