Category Press Release
J Street Poll Shows 72% of American Jews Support Building in Judea/Samaria

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) points to the results contained in a poll commissioned by the extremist far-left faux pro-Israel group, J Street. The J Street National Post-Election Survey of 800 American Jewish voters, conducted on November 4, 2014, showed that: 72% of American Jews support construction of Jewish homes in Jewish communities in […]

Dershowitz: Obama Must “Expose and Fire” Officials, ADL Disagrees: Case Closed

Renowned Harvard law professor and ardent Zionist Alan Dershowitz made it clear that the case is not closed regarding the Obama officials who personally attacked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a “chickens—t” and a “coward” — taking a stance that opposes ADL/Foxman’s position that the case on this issue is “closed.” On Thursday, November […]

J Street Uses Inaccurate Adelson & Klein Quotes Urging Followers To Vote

In its efforts to get out its supporters to vote in yesterday’s Midterm elections, the extreme left-wing, faux pro-Israel organization J Street wrote an email/letter to its supporters that substantially  misquoted the renowned pro-Israel global philanthropist Sheldon Adelson as well as ZOA National President Morton Klein. The ZOA is demanding a public apology and retraction. […]

ADL/Foxman’s Proclamation “Case Closed” and AIPAC’s Silence on “Chickens–t” Insult Are Troubling

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is deeply troubled by and disagrees with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Abe Foxman’s publicly proclaiming that the case is “closed” on a senior Obama official publicly calling Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu a “chickens–t.” The White House’s weak public statement that this ugly slur and insult was “inappropriate” and “counterproductive” […]

Let’s Stop Acting As If Abbas Is Peace Partner

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to new examples of Palestinian Authority (PA)‘s Holocaust-denying dictator (no elections since elected for a 4-year term in 2005) Mahmoud Abbas supporting the murder of Jews and praising their perpetrators. The ZOA believes that we should cease acting as though Abbas is a peace partner –– he’s […]

Mr. President, Quash Rumors of Supporting ‘Palestine’ on Security Council

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called upon President Barack Obama to publicly quash rumors that he will abandon Israel in the United Nations Security Council and permit a resolution to pass awarding UN membership to ‘Palestine,’ by publicly stating that the United States, in accordance with long-standing U.S. policy, will veto any such […]

Poll: Only 16% of Israelis Regard Obama More Pro-Israel Than Pro-Palestinian

A new poll has shown that only 16% of Israelis believe President Barack Obama’s Administration is more pro-Israel than pro-Palestinian. The poll, conducted by Smith Research, which was taken shortly after reports that an unnamed official in the Obama Administration had called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “chickens..t,” also found that 53% consider the […]

Obama Spokesman Dodges & Weaves On Ugly Netanyahu Name-Calling

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed deep concern over the refusal of the White House to condemn, apologize for and fire the Obama Administration official who was quoted by the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg as describing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a “chickens..t.” The ZOA believes that, if the Obama Administration genuinely disagreed […]

ZOA Horrified at Haaretz Cartoon

T Thursday, October 30, 2014 — Today, the left-wing Haaretz newspaper in Israel published a disgraceful cartoon without caption by Amos Biderman, depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu piloting a plane, marked “ISRAEL,” into a skyscraper resembling a World Trade Center tower.  ZOA National Chairman of the Board Dr. Michael Goldblatt has issued the following statement:  “We […]

Obama Must Apologize For and Fire Official Who Called Netanyahu “Chickens..t”

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed deep concern about the Obama Administration over numerous, recent incidents of bias against and hostility to Israel. It has also called on President Obama to name, condemn and fire the Administration official who was quoted by the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, who is understood to have excellent contacts […]