Category Press Release
ZOA Praises U.S. Sen. Schumer For Urging State Dept. To Hand Over Iraqi Jewish Treasures To Jewish Community, Not Iraq

 The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised U.S. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) for calling upon the U.S. State Department not to hand over to the Iraqi government nearly 3,000 priceless Jewish artifacts from Iraq’s 2,500 year-heritage in Iraq originally looted by successive Iraqi regimes from Iraqi Jews who fled or were grounded into exile […]

ZOA: Obama’s 5-Year Record Indicates He’s Not Serious About Stopping Iranian Nuclear Weapons

The National President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), Morton A. Klein, has issued the following statement:  “President Barack Obama has repeatedly stated for more than five years –– since before he was elected President –– that he will “never, never” allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons. He has also repeatedly stated that, “If […]

ZOA Critical of Israel’s Decision to Free a Further 26 Palestinian Terrorists

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized the Israeli government for proceeding with an earlier decision to free 26 convicted and jailed Palestinian terrorists from Israeli jails as part of a phased freeing of 104 such terrorists. The freeing of the terrorists, decided upon in July 2013 and strongly opposed by the ZOA at […]

Poll: Israelis Support Military Strike on Iran, Do Not Believe Obama Will Consult Israel on Iranian Nukes

A recent poll has shown that clear majorities of Israelis support Israel undertaking military strikes against Iran, should this prove necessary to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power. A new Israel Hayom – New Wave Research poll shows that nearly two-thirds of Israelis –– 66% –– favor such a strike, as opposed to a […]

ZOA: Iran Pres. Rouhani’s Boasting of Deceiving West on Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program Underscores the Fraudulence of his Moderate Image

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has drawn attention to new Iranian President Hasan Rouhani’s boasting in an Iranian television interview of having played an instrumental role in Iranian deception on its nuclear weapons program over the years. This is but the latest addition to Rouhani’s long record of extremism, deception on nuclear weapons and […]

ZOA Condemns Abbas’s Fatah/PA For Glorifying Attempted Murder of 9 Year Old Jewish Girl

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) for praising the attempted murder  of a 9-year old Jewish girl by a member of Fatah, the party founded by Yasser Arafat which controls the PA and of which Mahmoud Abbas is leader. The girl was shot and wounded in the Psagot, […]

ZOA Applauds PM Netanyahu’s Promise To Stop Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program, Even If It Has To Act Alone

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has applauded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to the UN General Assembly, in which he unequivocally stated that Israel would not permit the Shia Islamist extremist regime in Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and that, if necessary, Israel would resort to military action alone if no other option […]

Obama At U.N. Wrongly Argues Pal. State Is “Central” To Israeli Security & Time “Ripe” For Israeli/Palestinian Peace

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized President Barack Obama’s address to the United Nations General Assembly, in which he argued falsely that the creation of a Palestinian state under the auspices of Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) is “central” to Israel’s security and that developments in the Middle East, which is in the […]

Poll: 62% of Palestinians Say Suicide Bombing is Justified

A new Pew Research Survey has shown that a large majority –– 62% –– of Palestinians justify the use of suicide terrorism. In the words of the Pew Survey, “in some countries, substantial minorities of Muslims say attacks on civilians are at least sometimes justified to defend Islam from its enemies; in the Palestinian territories, […]

ZOA to Facebook: Close Down Hate Sites that Violate Facebook’s Own Guidelines

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called upon the social media website, Facebook, to enforce its own guidelines on ‘Community standards’ and shut down several anti-Semitic hate sites that are clearly violating Facebook’s own guidelines. Facebook hosts a number of viciously anti-Semitic sites, like ‘The Untold Story,’ a Sweden-based anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying site run by […]