Category Press Release
ZOA Praises Trump Ending Catastrophic Iran Nuke Deal

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly praised President Donald Trump for fulfilling his campaign promise to abrogate the dangerous and catastrophic Iran nuclear deal, negotiated by Barack Hussein Obama, and reinstating US nuclear-related sanctions on Tehran. The restored sanctions will target countries, businesses and individuals that deal with Iran’s financial system. Speaking from […]

ADL Report Underestimates/Downplays Islamist Migrants’ Terrorism

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Special Projects Elizabeth Berney, Esq. released the following statement: The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) just released a new, misleading report entitled “A Homegrown Threat: Islamist Extremist Plots In The United States” which downplays and underestimates terror attacks and threats from Islamist terrorist migrants […]

ZOA: Abbas was Always Anti-Semitic – Why are People Shocked by His New Anti-Semitic Speech?

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: Suddenly, much of the world seems to have woken up to the fact that Palestinian Authority President and Fatah Party Chairman Mahmoud Abbas a/k/a Abu Mazen is an virulent anti-Semite.  In a vile speech to the Palestinian National Council, Abbas invoked the […]

Israel Expose: Iran Lied – Working on Nukes for Years

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has noted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s revelatory speech on Iran’s secret nuclear weapons program, as revealed in half a ton of secret Iranian documents procured by Israeli intelligence services, arguing that this proves that the ZOA and others who opposed the 2015 Iran nuclear deal were absolutely correct […]

ZOA’s Morton Klein Issues Heartfelt and Sincere Apology

Yesterday, the JTA published an article by Ron Kampeas about my strong criticism of actor Natalie Portman for falsely condemning Israel for “atrocities,” condemning Israel’s response to Hamas’ violent riots in Gaza and attempted invasions of Israel’s border, and refusing to come to Israel to accept the Genesis Prize.  The article referenced my tweet about […]

ZOA to ADL: Stop Attacks on Pro-Israel Groups/Leaders Who Combat Radical Islamists/Anti-Semites – Don’t Promote Groups Hostile to Israel

Zionist Organization of America President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Special Projects Liz Berney, Esq. released the following statement: Incredibly, in the space of a little over two weeks, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), headed by Jonathan Greenblatt, wrongly condemned and/or defamed three wonderful pro-Israel organizations and three fabulous pro-Israel individuals and political leaders […]

ZOA: By Co-opting “Never Again” Title for His Book Opposing Guns, David Hogg Trivializes the Holocaust

Morton A. Klein, a child of Holocaust survivors and national president of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA),the oldest pro-Israel organization in the United States, released the following statement: I begin with two clarifications:  First, the Zionist Organization of America does not have or take a position on the complex political and constitutional issue of American gun […]

ZOA Praises State Department Human Rights Report for Eliminating False Term “Occupied Territories”

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Special Projects, Liz Berney, Esq. released the following statement: The ZOA praises the U.S. State Department for eliminating its prior use of the inaccurate title and term “Israel and the Occupied Territories” in its newly published 2017 Country Reports on Human Rights […]

ACTION ALERT: ZOA: Durham, NC City Council Must Rescind Its Discriminatory, False Statement Libeling Israel/Banning Police Training with Israel

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) Chair, Dr. Michael Goldblatt, President Morton Klein, Director of Special Projects, Liz Berney, Esq. released the following statement: On April 16, the Durham, North Carolina, City Council and Mayor Steven Schewel unanimously approved an appalling, anti-Semitic, gratuitous, false official statement and policy libeling Israel and banning any Durham police training […]

ZOA Celebrates Israel’s 70th Anniversary of Miraculous Achievements

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is marking the milestone of the 70th anniversary of Israel’s rebirth as a modern nation by paying tribute to Israel’s extraordinary achievements and successes, achieved in most difficult and unpromising circumstances, over seven decades of sovereign statehood. ZOA Chair Dr. Michael Goldblatt and ZOA National President Morton A. Klein […]