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ZOA’s Morton Klein and Others Met with Finance Minister Smotrich

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the oldest pro-Israel organization in the United States, was founded in 1897. Its presidents have included Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis, Rabbis Abba Hillel Silver and Stephen Wise. ZOA is also a charter, founding member of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Recently, ZOA President […]

ZOA’s Morton Klein Quoted in NY Times on Judicial Reform

Israel’s Judicial Overhaul Plan Ignites Debate Among American Jews (MARCH 8, 2023 / NY TIMES) — An Israeli government effort to weaken the country’s judiciary, which critics call a threat to the nation’s democratic foundations, is drawing unusually pointed protest from American Jewish leaders and organizations, including ones that generally avoid commenting on internal Israeli […]

ZOA’s Mort Klein Israel Natl News Interview on Judicial Reform & More

By Yoni Kempinski (MARCH 7 / ARUTZ SHEVA) Speaking about the issue of judicial reform, Zionist Organization of America President Morton Klein tells Israel National News that the United States government has no right to interfere in internal Israeli policy. “Israel is a sovereign country. As Menachem Begin said, ‘Israel is not a banana republic.’ They […]

Why AIPAC’s and Other’s Refusal to Meet Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich is a Harmful Mistake

If AIPAC and the Conference of Presidents and Other Jewish Groups Can Meet With Terrorist Jew-Haters Arafat And Abbas, They Can Surely Meet With Israeli Patriot Minister Of Finance Smotrich Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: The refusal of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and […]

ZOA’s Mort Klein Op-Ed: Amb. Tom Nides Should Not Interfere in Israel’s Domestic Affairs

By Morton A. Klein (MARCH 8, 2023 / JNS) U.S. Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides has persisted in interfering in Israel’s internal affairs, egregiously violating the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Affairs, which requires diplomats to “respect the laws and regulations of the receiving state” and “not to interfere in the internal affairs of that State.” […]

ZOA and Other Groups’ Letter to Gov. Kathy Hochul: Serious Consequences Are Needed for Brutal Anti-Jewish Hate Crime

March 7, 2023 The Honorable Kathy Hochul Governor of New York State Executive Chamber NYS State Capitol Building Albany, NY 12224 Honorable Eric Adams Mayor of the City of New York City Hall New York, NY 10007 Honorable Alvin L. Bragg, Jr. Manhattan District Attorney One Hogan Place New York, NY 10013 [email protected] The Honorable […]

ZOA’s Mort Klein in JPost: Cancel Culture Comes to the Conference of Presidents

Conference leadership mission had no elected officials or spokespeople from Judea and Samaria speak, even though issues concerning these Jewish communities are constantly being debated. By Morton A. Klein (MARCH 2, 2023 / JERUSALEM POST) Several days ago, I returned to the U.S. from attending the annual leadership mission of the Conference of Presidents of […]

Mort Klein on Newsmax TV: Hint of Antisemitism’ in DirecTV’s Removal of Newsmax

Mort Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America, told Newsmax Friday that he believes there is “a hint, at least, of antisemitism and Israel-bashing” in DirecTV’s decision to cut Newsmax’s signal two weeks ago. “We’re really, really concerned about this political bias and this immoral act because Newsmax is one of the few […]

Former Atty General Michael Mukasey in WSJ: Netanyahu’s Judicial Reform Doesn’t Go Far Enough

By Michael B. Mukasey (FEBRUARY 26, 2023 / WALL STREET JOURNAL) Judges and attorneys general throughout the world—I’ve served in both capacities in the U.S.—wield substantial authority. In any sound legal system, such authority is subject to clear, objective limits. That seemingly unexceptional principle might help clarify the debate roiling Israel over the country’s Supreme […]

ZOA Praises Sponsors Sen. Risch, Rep. Roy and 41 Republican Cosponsors for Reintroducing Bills to Stop Funding Corrupt Terror-Fomenting UNRWA

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein, ZOA Director of Research and Special Projects Liz Berney, Esq. and ZOA Director of Government Relations Dan Pollak released the following statement: The ZOA praises sponsors Senator James Risch (R-ID), Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) and 41 Republican cosponsors for reintroducing companion bills S.431 (Feb. 15, […]