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OP-ED BY: Morton Klein and Liz Berney ZOA Op-ed in Israel’s Largest Newspaper Correcting Falsehood About WZC Elections

Harold Goldmeier’s article on the World Zionist Congress elections, “Making the WZO Relevant Again,” falsely claims that the Zionist Organization of America filed election complaints to disqualify slates that “even merely favor” a Palestinian state or take positions that are “not to ZOA’s liking.” Although the ZOA is opposed to a terrorist Palestinian Arab state, […]

ZOA’s Daube Reflects on the True Goal of BDS, The Destruction of Israel

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement has announced that it will bring convicted terrorist Leila Khaled to South African next month for a speaking tour, drawing harsh condemnations from the country’s Jewish community. Khaled, now 70, is a former member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and took part in two airplane […]

ZOA Chief Discusses Paris Attacks

Though he came to Palm Beach Synagogue to address, “Orwellian Lies about Israel,” the recent massacre of Jewish hostages in an east Paris kosher market became the leading topic of Zionist Organization of America National President Mort Klein’s Jan. 13 discussion. “If the only people murdered in that terrorist attack were Jews, the world wouldn’t […]

ZOA Student Reflects on the Holocaust and Israel Advocacy

My purpose here at ZOA was not clear until recently. I applied to come on this student leadership mission trip because I felt I was at a disadvantage on campus when it came to Israel advocacy. This trip was supposed to be a learning experience for me, and it ended up being just that. Today, […]

ZOA’s Mort Klein Interview on Israel National News about EU Court Removing Hamas from Terror List

The European Union’s (EU) removal of Hamas from its terror blacklistsets a precedent for allowing anti-Semitism in Europe to run rampant, Morton Klein, National President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), stated Wednesday.  “This both encourages and legitimizes Islamic terrorism and Islamic murder against Jews and others, and it sends a message to Islamic killers that Europe doesn’t care about […]

ZOA Letter to Yeshiva U. President About Anti-Semitic Scheme

December 16, 2014   VIA EMAIL   Mr. Richard M. Joel, President Yeshiva University Office of the President 500 West 185th Street, Belfer Hall 1200 New York, NY  10033   Dear President Joel: We write to alert you to a troubling scheme specifically targeting Yeshiva University, which was brought to our attention yesterday.  The scheme, […]

Scholastic letter

December 10, 2014   Ms. Kyle Good Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications and Media Relations Scholastic Inc. 557 Broadway New York, NY 10012   Dear Ms. Good: I write on behalf of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the oldest and one of the largest pro-Israel organizations in the U.S.  Much of the ZOA’s work […]

ZOA’s Amicus Brief to U.S. Supreme Court Cited in Commentary Magazine

Next Monday, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument again in Zivotofsky v. Kerry, on the constitutionality of the law allowing Jerusalem-born Americans to have “Israel” as their place of birth in their passports, if they so request. The administration argues the Constitution’s “Reception Clause” (which provides the president “shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers”) gives […]

New Poll: Israelis Believe Pres. Obama’s Nuclear Deal With Iran Will Hurt Israel

A new poll has shown that Israelis are overwhelmingly of the view that President Barack Obama’s impending nuclear deal with Iran will hurt Israel. According to a New Wave poll, conducted for the newspaper, Yisrael Hayom, 48% of Israelis believe President Obama’s nuclear  deal with Iran will prove to be harmful to Israel, while only […]

ZOA Criticizes Kerry’s Absurd Statements Blaming Israel for Increased Instability

New York, October 22, 2014: The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized Secretary of State John Kerry for making repeated, absurd statements blaming Israel for increased terrorism and instability in the Middle East. In a recent speech at a White House ceremony for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, Secretary Kerry said the Israeli/Palestinian […]