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ZOA to GW’s School of Medicine: Cut Ties with Anti-Semitic Al-Quds Univ.

December 11, 2013 VIA E-MAIL Jeffrey S. Akman, M.D.Dean, George Washington UniversitySchool of Medicine & Health SciencesRoss Hall2300 Eye Street, NWWashington, DC 20037 Dear Dr. Akman:We understand that the School of Medicine and Health Sciences is evaluating whether the student exchanges it offers with Al-Quds University is being evaluated, in light of recent, deeply troubling […]

ZOA to Bard Univ.: Cut Ties with Anti-Semitic Al-Quds Univ.

December 11, 2013 BY E-MAILMr. Leon BotsteinPresident, Bard CollegeCampus Road, PO Box 5000Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504-5000 Dear President Botstein:We write to urge Bard University to reverse its decision to continue its partnership with Al-Quds University, despite shocking evidence that Al-Quds is a place that not only tolerates, but also glorifies and encourages violence against Jews and […]

CIA Nominee Brennan Dismisses Radical Islam, Calls J’lem Al-Quds, Whitewashes Hizballah

ZOA Opposes Brennan Nomination       The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed concern at and opposition to the nomination by President Barack Obama of John O. Brennan to head the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The ZOA has pointed out that John Brennan, who is currently President Obama’s chief security adviser for counter-terrorism, […]

Ten Important Reasons to Oppose Chuck Hagel Becoming Defense Secretary

  Incoherent, contradictory and wrong about major policy issues Hagel lacks policy grasp. At his Senate confirmation hearings, he was confused and contradictory about containing Iran and had to be informed by Senator Carl Levin that the Obama Administration’s policy is that Iran not obtain nuclear weapons, not that it seeks to contain a nuclear […]

Hearings Reveal More Hagel Horrors – U.S. Is “World’s Bully, Israel is War Criminal and Committed “Sickening Slaughter”

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to further alarming statements from Chuck Hagel, President Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Defense. During Hagel’s confirmation hearings, it emerged that Hagel, during a 2009 Al-Jazeera interview, agreed with a questioner that the U.S. was “the world’s bully”; that Palestinians were the victims of Israeli war […]

ZOA Mourns the Passing of Mayor Ed Koch

Honor Koch’s Request: Oppose Chuck Hagel     The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) mourns the loss of Mayor Ed Koch. ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “I will miss the Mayor terribly. I am proud and honored to say that Mayor Ed Koch was a friend of mine.  We would speak by phone […]

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Which newspaper reported "settlers stormed Joseph’s Tomb"?

We are used to seeing headlines of “settlers” “storming” Jewish holy places in Eretz Yisrael in Arabic media, specifically in media associated with Islamists. Here’s one from today: Settlers storm “Joseph’s Tomb” in Nablus Dozens of extremist settlers led religious prayers in “Joseph’s Tomb” near the Balata refugee camp east of Nablus after a number […]

Abbas’ lie of the day: "Hamas recognizes Israel"

From YNet: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas blasted Hamas Politburo Chief Khaled Mashaal for asserting that his group will never recognize Israel, hinting that the statement hinders the chances of the two-state solution, according to the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet. “I don’t agree with Khaled Mashaal’s statement on the non-recognition of Israel because we, in fact, recognized […]

The Darwin Award, Hebron-edition (updated)

Here is how Palestine Press Agency reports the shooting of a 17-year old in Hebron yesterday: When a child is born no one knows what will happen to him from the hassles and difficulties of life, but the most beautiful thing is the feeling that Allah has prepared for martyrs who believed in their covenant […]