Category ZOA in the news
France News Quotes ZOA about “Klinghoffer” – An Operatic Kristallnacht

Agence France-Presse October 21, 2014 6:00am Met defies protests to stage ‘Klinghoffer’ opera  Defying picketers and audience disruptions, New York’s Metropolitan Opera has opened “The Death of Klinghoffer,” which explores the psyche of Palestinian hijackers who killed a wheelchair-bound US Jew. Leading US composer John Adams operatized the 1985 seizure of the Achille Lauro cruise-liner […]

NY Times Quotes ZOA’s Mort Klein about Anti-Israel, Anti-Semitic “Klinghoffer” Opera

De Blasio and Giuliani Speak Out on Met’s ‘Klinghoffer’ as Protests Loom OCT. 20, 2014 As the Metropolitan Opera prepared to give its first performance of John Adams’s 1991 opera “The Death of Klinghoffer” on Monday night, the police got ready for a protest outside the opera house, security was heightened inside, and the debate […]

ZOA’s Klein Quoted in UK’s Guardian Calling “Klinghoffer” Opera an “Operatic Kristallnacht”

Published Monday, October 20,  2014   Met Opera rejects antisemitism claims rising from Klinghoffer protests Demonstrators including Rudy Giuliani to gather outside Met The Death of Klinghoffer depicts murder of Jewish man in 1985 In the face of protests by politicians and Jewish organisations who have described it as “an operatic Kristallnacht”, The Death […]

Op-Ed by NJ ZOA Director in Jewish Standard

Published: 10 October 2014 As the director of a proudly Zionist organization, it isn’t often I can say that I agree with the Palestinian Authority’s anti-Semitic, terrorism-sponsoring, Holocaust-denying, opposition-squashing dictator Mahmoud Abbas. Indeed, his “genocide speech,” as Abbas’s UN speech on erev Rosh Hashanah has come to be known in Israel, was replete with stunning fabrications and […]

Arutz Sheva Cites ZOA as Associate Producer of New Pro-Israel Film Showing in NYC Oct. 27

By: Prof. Phyllis Chesler Published: Monday, October 13, 2014 10:11 AM Gloria Z. Greenfield’s third film, Body and Soul: The State of the Jewish Nation, is a cinematic and educational triumph. In only 65 minutes, the viewer comes to understand who the Jews are to the land of Israel and what the land of Israel is to […]

U.C. Takes Stand Against BDS Advocacy in Classroom

Published by J.Weekly Thursday, October 9, 2014 The Simon Wiesenthal Center, the Zionist Organization of America and 10 other Jewish advocacy groups are applauding a letter from a high-ranking University of California official that they say protects the well-being of Jewish students. The letter to U.C. chancellors from provost Aimée Dorr, executive vice president for academic […]

Mort Klein Letter In NYTimes About Bill Cosby

Published October 10, 2014 A Comedian and a Scholar To the Editor: Bill Cosby may not have been “a slacker, a dropout or even a drinker,” as Neil Drumming writes in his review of Mark Whitaker’s new biography(Sept. 21). But he did leave my high school, Central High School of Philadelphia, then a magnet school for […]

ZOA Presses Nike on Refusal to Address Video Ad with Anti-Semitic Overtones

Posted on October 12, 2014 By Jacob Kamaras/ After initially raising concern on the issue this summer, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is continuing to press the Nike footwear and apparel giant to remedy its promotion of a pre-World Cup animated video whose content has what critics call anti-Semitic overtones. ZOA initially wrote to Nike on […]

Forward Article Quotes ZOA’s Mort Klein Remarks at D.C. Pro-Israel Rally

Published October 06, 2014. Benjamin Netanyahu’s comparison between ISIS and Hamas, repeated in recent weeks from every podium in the U.S. and in every TV network interview, gained little traction with the Obama administration which made clear it does not see the two terror groups as equal. But it resonated well with at least one audience: Christian supporters of […]

ZOA Israel Director Jeff Daube’s TLV1 Radio Interview, ‘Bibi’s UN address’

All eyes were on New York as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made his major address to the United Nations, which kind pundits called “vintage” and less generous observers called “warmed-over shtick.” Jeff Daube, Israel director of the Zionist Organization of America, says that Netanyahu was effective in sending a strong message, communicating to the world the […]