Category ZOA in the news
Klinghoffer Opera Still Anti-Semitic

It is troubling that Anti-Defamation League National Director Abraham Foxman asserts that because one of many anti-Semitic passages was removed, the “Death of Klinghoffer” opera to be performed at the Met is no longer anti-Semitic (“High Drama Over ‘Klinghoffer’ Opera,” June 27). The opera still contains outrageous libels stating that Jews cheat, exploit, pollute virgins, […]

ZOA Blasts Nike Over ‘Anti-Semitic’ Video

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called out Nike for an animated promotional video posted online before the World Cup in Brazil, urging leaders of the shoe and sports paraphernalia company to have the ad removed because its content is anti-Semitic. In the video, titled “The Last Game,” animated international soccer stars compete against […]

Why You Should Be Outraged at San Francisco State University

What if I told you that a right wing professor at a state University received $7,000 from the University-taxpayer money-to travel on a political solidarity tour to a KKK rally, in order to further the agenda of this hateful organization? Do you think this would be allowed to happen? Would the President of the University […]

UCLA Must End Harassment and Bullying of Jewish Students

In an attempt to target, harass and intimidate pro-Israel Jewish students at UCLA, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) recently demanded that candidates for student government positions sign a statement pledging they will not go on any trip to Israel sponsored by three Jewish organizations. Notably, SJP has targeted only Israel and three Jewish organizations that sponsor […]

Mort Klein on peace vs. hate

A few days before we heard the horrible news of the three boys who got kidnapped in Israel, Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) leader Mort Klein visited the Jewish Journal offices to speak to our editorial staff. He said a lot of things over the course of a lively one-hour session, but one thing in […]

Jewish Group: Show Should Not Go On At Metropolitan Opera

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Despite the Metropolitan Opera’s decision to cancel the simulcast of a controversial opera, there is still anger and unease surrounding the Met’s plans to put on the performance at the opera house this fall. As WCBS 880′s Peter Haskell reported, canceling the simulcast wasn’t enough for some. Morton Klein, of the Zionist Organization of America, […]

USF’s deplorable indifference to ugly anti-Semitism

The University of South Florida (USF) is a popular choice for Jewish students. According to Hillel, it’s one of the top 30 public universities by Jewish population. But Jewish students and their parents should think twice about whether this school is right for them. Anti-Semitism is a problem on the campus, and although university officials are well […]

Israel Executive Dir., ZOA
Pity I just missed you, Jeremy Ben-Ami

I heard you were in Israel, Jeremy. Why didn’t you look me up? We really need to talk. First I was hoping for a conversation about your ‘Setting the record straight’ Times of Israel op-ed. Of course it should surprise no one that I take issue with your pleasant sounding claims — as do your numerous critics. Your organization, J Street, and my organization, ZOA, […]

Caution Key to Process

Once again I find myself writing in response to Alan Elsner’s March 13 column in the Chronicle , “For Netanyahu, the time for talk is past—time now for deeds.”    There are many, many reasons for the Prime Minister to be cautious and to move slowly.  First and foremost is Abbas himself.  Who does he represent?  […]