Category ZOA in the news
ZOA letter in Bost. Jewish Advocate about the ADL

    ZOA: ADL was MIA   When it comes to fighting Muslim intimidation of Jewish students, the Anti-Defamation League’s leadership has not merely been lacking; it has undermined the Zionist Organization of America’s legal effort to fix the problem (Charles Jacobs’ “Where’s Our Leadership?,” Dec. 31). For years, a Muslim group at the University […]

ZOA Letter in The Forward About ZOA National Dinner

    Letters Published January 06, 2010, issue of January 15, 2010 Article Overlooked ZOA Dinner’s Spirit I was surprised that your article about the Zionist Organization of America’s national dinner omitted important aspects of the event and misrepresented others (“From the Right: ZOA Faithful Challenge Israelis on Freeze,” December 25). For example, the article […]

Impossible burden

  There’s nothing “shocking” about the position that the Zionist Organization of America, the American Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, the Orthodox Union, and Agudath Israel of America have taken in a case now pending before the Supreme Court, regarding whether foreign government officials should be immune from civil lawsuits for actions taken in […]

Article Overlooked ZOA Dinner’s Spirit

I was surprised that your article about the Zionist Organization of America’s national dinner omitted important aspects of the event and misrepresented others (“From the Right: ZOA Faithful Challenge Israelis on Freeze,” December 25). For example, the article made no mention of the keynote speech by House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, who spoke powerfully about […]

From ‘holiday’ to ‘Chanukah,’ a busy week in D.C.

        From ‘holiday’ to ‘Chanukah,’ a busy week in D.C.   By Ron Kampeas · December 21, 2009 WASHINGTON (JTA) — The incumbent president called it a “holiday,” until he called it “Chanukah,” and a few Jews wondered if their fellows weren’t being oversensitive about it. A former president asked for “Al […]

Hands Across the Ocean

    by Rachel Saperstein 01/01/10 Winter break can be a time for helping others. Even complicated logistics can work if people care. A story about a US businessman, a group of college students on tour and some very happy children from families who were expelled from the Katif Bloc. The Jewish college students arrived […]

ZOA Quoted in Left-Wing College Magazine

    States of Denial   December 31, 2009        On a hot day in Vienna in August 1925, Arthur Ruppin ascended the podium at the Fourteenth Zionist Congress and declared, “Palestine will be a state of two nations. Gentlemen, this is a fact.”Earlier that year, Ruppin, Martin Buber, and other Zionist leaders […]

ZOA Morton Klein Letter in New York Times About Iran

    Letters December 30, 2009   To the Editor: Alan J. Kuperman is correct to argue that airstrikes have become the only plausible avenue to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. It is widely appreciated that a nuclear-armed Iranian regime poses an existential threat to Israel, but it is also a huge risk for […]

ZOA Mentioned in Forward Newspaper Poem

       The Year in Verse   …The change in Washington gave the nod: A new job for David Axelrod, Another for Rahm Emmanuel, Susan Sher, for First Lady Michelle. Howard Berman was hot on Iran, Drawing heat on health: Joe Lieberman. Al and Barney, that’s Franken and Frank, Covered the Democrats’ leftward flank. […]

U.S. Must Make Certain Iran Doesn’t Get Bomb

  U.S. Must Make Certain Iran Doesn’t Get Bomb Your editorial in the paper of Nov. 25, titled “Time to Enforce Deadline,” rightly describes the danger posed to Israel by the looming Iranian nuclear threat and the need for the United States to take action. One important addition to your argument would be the often […]