Category News
ZOA Places Huge Banners in Jerusalem Opposing U.S. Consulate for Terrorist Palestinian Arab Regime

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: The ZOA’s continuing its ongoing campaign against the opening of a dangerous, divisive Palestinian Arab-U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, which will be the first step in dividing Jerusalem and recognizing false Palestinian Arab claims to the Jewish capital. It will also reward Palestinian […]

ZOA Urges Biden: Implement Your Own Words-Condemn Antisemitic Congressmembers and End Complicity by Silence

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: On this sad third anniversary of the horrendous antisemitic massacre of eleven innocent Jewish souls at the Tree of Life Synagogue, we appreciate President Biden’s inspiring words today that “if we give hate oxygen, it can consume,” and “We must always stand up and […]

OP-ED NEW YORK POST: Democratic Leaders’ Shocking Silence Over Attacks on Israel by Fellow Dems

By Douglas Schoen and Andrew Stein (OCTOBER 26, 2021 / NEW YORK POST) We’ve often sounded alarms over fellow Democrats who demonize Israel. But lately, even our party’s establishment and its leaders have become complicit in the consequences — by failing to denounce these attacks. Voters need to demand that top officials from both parties speak […]

ZOA: U.S. Shouldn’t Call PFLP Front Groups “Human Rights” Groups; Join Israel & Designate Them Terrorist Groups

Zionist Organization of America president Morton A. Klein and Director of Research and Special Projects Liz Berney, Esq. released the following statement: For years, the brutal, Arab-Marxist-Leninist terror organization, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), has been operating a network of front-groups that pose as “human rights” non-governmental organizations (NGOs), but in reality […]

OP-ED ZOA’s Klein J Post Op-ed – Israel Can’t Submit to Biden Pressure on Consulate, Settlements

By Morton A. Klein, ZOA National President (OCTOBER 20, 2021 / JERUSALEM POST) Since last spring, the Biden administration has pressured Israel to allow the U.S. to reopen a separate consulate, solely for Palestinian Arabs, in the heart of Israel’s capital, Jerusalem. In order to uphold Israel’s legal, moral and sovereign rights and security, Prime […]

U.S. Amb. to UN Greenfield Wrongly Condemns Israeli “Violence” ― Yet Silent on Palestinian Violence/Incitement

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Research and Special Projects Elizabeth Berney, Esq. released the following statement: During her remarks at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on October 19, 2021, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield called for the UNSC to reduce its criticism of Israel and […]

Law Misinterpreted: Texas Need Not Teach Opposing View on Holocaust Because Holocaust is a Fact ― Not a Controversy

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: I make the following statement even more fervently as a child of holocaust survivors born in a displaced persons camp in Neu Ulm, Germany. I lost most of my family in Hitler’s holocaust – aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, and more. My […]

PM Bennett Should Ignore White House Pressure on Building in Judea and Samaria – Israel National News

By Arutz Sheva Staff (OCTOBER 12, 2021 / ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS) The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) voiced its deep concern with this week’s revelation that President Joe Biden “pressured Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett during an August meeting to show ‘restraint’ regarding building in Judea and Samaria.” Highlighting that the reports “revealed that the […]

Atlanta’s Own & Distinguished Civil Rights Lawyer David Schoen Elected ZOA Chair | Atlanta Jewish Times

By Dave Schechter (October 12, 2021 / Atlanta Jewish Times) Atlanta attorney David Schoen has been elected chairman of the Zionist Organization of America, a 124-year-old group known for its blunt — and unapologetic — support of Israel. Schoen, 62, will serve a three-year term guiding the organization on whose board he has served for […]

ZOA to Biden: Stop Interfering With Jews’ Legal, Moral Right to Build in Judea/Samaria, Jerusalem

PM Bennett Needs to Ignore U.S. Pressure  Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: We are deeply concerned by the revelation this week that during President Biden’s meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Bennett on August 27, 2021, Biden pressured Israel to show “restraint” regarding building in “settlements” (meaning Jewish homes and […]