Category Press Release
Rate Of Palestinian Rocket Attacks Unchanged Since Gaza Withdrawal

Qassem rocket attacks against Israel continue at the same high daily rate since Israel withdrew in September from Gaza and northern Samaria and are occurring on a daily basis, according to a report from Haaretz’s Nir Hasson. Since September 15, a total of 239 rockets have been fired at Israel, according to the Red Dawn […]

Anti-Israel Actions At U.N. & Elsewhere Occur Despite Israel’s Gaza Withdrawal & Hope For Improved International Support

New York – The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted six resolutions this month by large margins that were overwhelmingly critical of or hostile to Israel, despite claims and hopes by many that Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza and northern Samaria and the forced evacuation of 10,000 Jews from their homes and businesses would lead to […]

New ZOA Poll: 67% Of Israelis Oppose Additional Unilateral Withdrawals

New York – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) commissioned a poll of 500 adult Israelis by the respected Israeli pollster Smith Research and Consulting on November 30, 2005. The results showed that by a margin of 67% to 28% Israelis oppose “carrying out unilateral withdrawals from Judea and Samaria if after the elections it […]

Israeli Defense Minister Mofaz: Israel Will Close Gaza Border Crossings If Security Does Not Improve

PA allows Hamas leaders into Gaza New York – The Israeli Defense Minister Sha’ul Mofaz warned the Palestinian Authority (PA) today that if proper control over the Egypt-Gaza border is not put in place, then Israel will close the Israel-Gaza border. Following a visit to the Rafah and Kerem Shalom checkpoints between Gaza and neighboring […]

Palestinian Thieves & Gangs Stealing Formerly Jewish Land In Gaza

New York – Palestinian thieves and gangs are stealing Jewish land that formerly belonged to the 9,000 Jews who were uprooted earlier this year as part of Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza. Large areas in Khan Yunis and Rafah are also reported to have been fenced off by local families, gangs and individuals. A recent report […]

Israeli General Dan Harel: Egypt Is Not Stopping Flow Of Terrorists And Weaponry Into Gaza

New York — Outgoing Israel Defense Forces (IDF) OC, Southern Command, Maj.-Gen. Dan Harel, has strongly criticized Egypt for failing to honor the Gaza agreement with Israel to seal the Egypt-Gaza border as part of Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza and northern Samaria. Egyptian troops have allowed scores of terrorists and large amounts of weapons to […]

Al Qaeda Enters Gaza – U.S. Must Demand That Abbas & Mubarak Root Them Out

New York — In an address last week to the Jaffe Center for Strategic Studies, Maj. Gen. Aharon Zeevi-Farkash, the head of Israeli military intelligence, disclosed that Al Qaeda operatives entered Gaza from Egypt following Israel’s withdrawal. Zeevi-Farkash also said that during the ten days after the withdrawal, the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Palestinian terrorist […]

Gaza Withdrawal Has Allowed Heavy Weaponry To Reach Palestinian Terrorists In Gaza/Judea/Samaria

New York – Israeli intelligence officials have disclosed that large amounts of weaponry, including automatic assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and hundreds of kilograms of explosives have been smuggled across the Egyptian border into Gaza and then Judea/Samaria during the past week, when Egyptian and Palestinian Authority (PA) personnel allowed the movement of fugitives and arms […]

ZOA: Palestinian Destruction Of Gaza Synagogues Only Latest In History Of Destroying Jewish Holy Sites

Would world be silent if Israel destroyed mosques? New York – With Israel’s unilateral retreat from Gaza, synagogues abandoned intact have been destroyed by Palestinian mobs. “Hours after the Israelis left the settlement of Neve Dekalim, young Palestinians were tearing aluminum window frames and metal ceiling fixtures out of the main synagogue there, as fires […]

Deputy Director Of Palestinian Clerics: The Zionist Entity Will Be Destroyed – No Negotiations – Only Jihad – We Must Kill These Jews

New York — Last week Sheikh Muhammad Ali, deputy director of the Palestinian Clerics Association, said in an interview on Hizbullah’s Al-Manar TV that “we will enter Palestine as conquerors and liberators, not through negotiations, but through Jihad and the Muslim would kill the Jews…we will wipe out the Zionist enemy.” (Translation courtesy of MEMRI) […]